Project by : Harsh Sadhvani, Shubham Saxena and Jaydeep Untwal
Technologies : Node.js, AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Google Heat maps, Java and Weka
Platform : Unix
Requirements: to run project :
- Unix machine
- Internet Access
- Port 3000 should be accessible
- Java
- Node.js (download and install node.js from
- Web browser (Chrome, Firefox and Safari supported)
Instructions to run :
In terminal cd to folder project
Install Node modules as : npm install
In terminal start server as : node server.js
Go to URL http://localhost:3000 on web browser
To see station related results :
- Enter station name like San Jose CA(autocomplete will help to select valid station)
- Select month
- Select attribute to predict
- Output will show prediction of the attribute and the probability of it
- The heat map will also depict the prediction made
To see overall results for California and Arizona:
- Select month
- Select attribute to predict
- The heat map will also depict overall results for each station