This API was created as a project for the course "Självständingfördjupning inom Datavetenskap" (DA365A). The purpose of the project was for the creator Felix Morau to improve his backend skills and to learn PHP and Laravel.
- Download & install MAMP/XAMP
- Clone the repo @ Github.
- Start your MAMP/XAMP server.
- Rename the .env.example file to .env and fill in the correct information.
- Open your terminal & navigate to the project.
- Run php artisan serve
- Open a webbrowser and go to PHPmyadmin.
- Run php artisan migrate in your terminal
- You are done! (Optional)
- Go to /api/documentation
- Create a superuser using /api/tokens/superusing passing your SUPER_ADMIN_KEY.
- Start using the API!