Modern fork of a classic wallpaper updater script called "EarthNow". I am not sure where I got the first version of this, but I have modified it many times over the years, adding checks for battery status, tethering, metered connections, etc. I have in the past had it set up to change the wallpaper in KDE Plasma, Gnome, enlightenment, etc. I am including instructions for a python script that works for KDE Plasma, but this could be easily adjusted for other DEs. I realize bash scripts calling python scripts is really kludgy, but I really do not care.
No warranty, guarantee, support or entitlement should be assumed from the fact that I am passing this script along to the world under CC-BY-SA 4.0 ( ). The base map images I believe are from the NASA Blue Marble collection ( ), which should be released in the public domain. If you are the copyright holder of any of the image files used in this method, please contact me with a DMCA request and I will be happy to take them down.
- Get / verify dependencies: 0.a. Python ( not sure min or maximum version, this was last tested with Python3.10 ) 0.b. nice, date, ip, and ln commands ( these come with most linux installations ) 0.c. xplanet ( available in most linux distributions freeware repos ) 0.d. nmcli ( comes with most NetworkManager packages, but this can be modified in configuration command section for other network manager systems ) 0.e. optional: systemd ( for running this script periodically, but it would work just as well via cron, chrony, etc )
- Download all files from this repository and place them in any directory you wish. Default location is ~HOME/.xplanet/earthnow , but this can and should be configured in the variables at the start of .
- Download from to the same directory as script, and follow his instructions at the top of the file.
- Get the necessary python script to trigger your DE to update your wallpaper and place it in the same directory as the above files. For Plasma, I found this one to work:
- Modify configuration variables, directories, commands path, etc. at the start of to fit your environment, etc.
- To run once, just trigger from command line, with or without -f (skip battery and tethering checks) options
- Optionally, move the .service, .slice, and .timer files to appropriate user systemctl directory (i.e. $HOME/.config/systemd/user), edit the .service file to set the correct exec directory for, and enable the timer. This will run the script every 5 minutes by default. Edit the timer file to change the frequency it runs.
- Enjoy your wallpaper, modify it, make suggestions about how my ugly code can be improved, etc!