AMQP driver for Laravel queue. This driver uses popular AMQPLib for PHP: (This library is a pure PHP implementation of the AMQP protocol so it may be used to connect to a number of queue managers around)
Please do note, that package name has changed to fhteam/laravel-amqp. Old name should still work, though it will not be maintained.
- Simple composer installation is ok:
composer require fhteam/laravel-amqp:~1.0
(set version requirement to your favourite) - Note, that mbstring and bcmath extensions are required for php-amqplib to work properly. The first is not yet listed in library's composer.json (php-amqplib/php-amqplib#229)
In your config/queue.php
file you have to provide the following:
'default' => 'amqp',
'connections' => array(
'amqp' => array(
'driver' => 'amqp',
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => '5672',
'user' => 'guest',
'password' => 'guest',
'vhost' => '/',
'queue' => null,
'queue_flags' => ['durable' => true, 'routing_key' => null], //Durable queue (survives server crash)
'declare_queues' => true, //If we need to declare queues each time before sending a message. If not, you will have to declare them manually elsewhere
'message_properties' => ['delivery_mode' => 2], //Persistent messages (survives server crash)
'channel_id' => null,
'exchange_name' => null,
'exchange_type' => null,
'exchange_flags' => null,
'keepalive' > false,
'heartbeat' => 0,
'retry_after' => 0,
In your config/app.php
add 'Forumhouse\LaravelAmqp\ServiceProvider\LaravelAmqpServiceProvider'
to the list of service
providers registered.
For better stability please add following code in app/Exceptions/Handler.php:
class Handler extends ExceptionHandler
class Handler extends ExceptionHandler
use AMQPFailureDetector;
public function report(Exception $exception)
public function report(Exception $exception)
To find out how to use Laravel Queues, please refer to the following official documentation: