An opensource show controller for the Raspberry Pi for simple interactive media and mixed reality applications. Modeled loosly after professional show controllers, the goal is to produce a free, easy to use software that allows physical interactions such as button presses to be translated into virtual events and the other way around.
Responds to events from:
- HTTP GET Requests
- Websocket messages (Not yet Implmeneted)
- Pusher Events
- GPIO Pins changing state
Can trigger Sequences of actions that involve the following events:
- Playing HD video out the HDMI port
- Sending Pusher messages
- Sending websocket messages (Not yet Implemented)
- GET requests on a given URL (Not yet Implemented)
To Install
- Install node.js (See for a great tutorial)
- Install WiringPi (See
- Type "git clone"
- Type "cd show-controller"
- Type "npm install"
- Type "cp config.example.json config.json"
- Edit the config.json file with your settings
To Test:
- Type "node app.js" from within the show_controller directory
- Navigate to http://YOUR_PI_IP/ from another computer and you should see this readme as well as the config file