Cinnamon is default-looking classic two column WordPress theme with a soul
The development of Cinnamon was started in November 2014. Cinnamon strives to be "default looking" classic two columns layout theme with a soul. Keeping familiarity of blog with enough blend of character.
Cinnamon is made with these goals in mind:
- Looks great in all screen
- Based on _s
- Feels familiar, looks blog-ey, but has enough twist on its own
- Ideal for blogger who blogs about his/her interests, and wants to display his/her craft.
- in months to come (after several iteration), I personally wish that Cinnamon reaches a level where Automattic theme team would love to use it on
Here's how Cinnamon looks like:
01 - Cinnamon is developed using mobile first approach. It has responsive layout and adapts to the screen size nicely
02 - Mobile first isn't luxury. It is necessity
03 - Cinnamon homepage. Simple yet bold
04 - The content is displayed beautifully. It supports Jetpack's infinite scroll module for seamless experience
05 - Post layout. Grand, simple, and beautiful
06 - Cinnamon is designed with readability in mind
07 - Classic multilevel top navigation that feels familiar
08 - Cinnamon offers one column template for page
09 - You can select one color that reflects your site: Cinnamon will generate color scheme based on one color that you have chosen.
Cinnamon is made to be compatible with these plugins:
Jetpack's module for infinite scrolling functionality
Jetpack's module for displaying portfolio content
Adding footnote in markdown like interface
Currently in reviewing process for WordPress Theme Repository.
Fixing various aspect that should be fixed based on Theme Reviewer's suggestion
Final check. Ready to hit the theme repository
Quite an upgrade. Some things that are added on this version:
- Use protocol relative URL to load Google Fonts
- Adding Jetpack site logo support
- Adding Subtitles support
- Use Simple Color Adjuster for generating color scheme. Dropping dependency to Jetpack's CSS pre-processior library
- RTL Support
- Fixing flashing top navigation on desktop
- Custom font now can be filtered by translation, just in case the font isn't supporting the translated language
- More styling details