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Ddoc Editor is your onchain, privacy-first alternative to G**gle D*cs: peer-to-peer, end-to-end encrypted, and decentralized. It enables secure, real-time, and async collaboration without compromising user privacy.


This repository contains:

  • /package – The core package code.
  • Example & demo source code to showcase dDocs functionalities.



To use dDocs, ensure your project is set up with Tailwind CSS and have a Tailwind configuration file.

Install & import

Add the following imports :

import { DdocEditor } from '@fileverse-dev/ddoc'
import '@fileverse-dev/ddoc/styles' // in App.jsx/App.tsx

Update Tailwind Config

In your tailwind config, add this line to content array :


You should now be set to use dDocs!

dDocProps Interface

The DdocProps interface is a TypeScript interface that defines the properties for a page-related component. It includes properties for handling preview mode, managing publishing data, and optionally storing metadata and content associated with the page.


Property Type Description
isPreviewMode boolean Indicates whether the page is in preview mode or not.
data (optional) Data Optional property holding data related to the page.
enableCollaboration (optional) boolean Optional property to enable collaboration
onCommentInteraction (optional) (commentInfo: IEditSelectionData) => void Optional function that get's called whenever there is a mouse-over and click interaction on a comment
collaborationId (optional) string When using enableCollaboration, you need to provide collaborationId, it can be uuid of doc
onTextSelection (optional) (data: IEditorSelectionData) => void Function called when a text is selected on the editor
renderToolRightSection (optional) ({editor}) => JSX.Element Function that render the right section of the toolbar. it calls the function with the editor instance
renderToolLeftSection (optional) ({editor}) => JSX.Element Accept a react component
username (required when using collaboration) boolean Takes a username which can be used by collaboration cursor
walletAddress (optional) string Takes a wallet address
ref (optional) any Gets editor instance
ensResolutionUrl (optional) string Api Url for resolving ens names
secureImageUploadUrl (optional) string Api Url for secure image upload
initialContent (optional) JSONContent Initial content of the editor
onChange (optional) (changes: JSONContent) => void Optional function that gets triggered with the latest content of the editor on every change in the editor
onCollaboratorChange (optional) (collaborators?: IDocCollabUsers[] ) => void Optional function that gets triggered when a user join or leave the doc during collaboration
onError (optional) (errorString: string) => void Function to call on error
setCharacterCount (optional) React.Dispatch<SetStateAction<number>> Optional. React Set State function to update Character Count
setWordCount (optional) React.Dispatch<SetStateAction<number>> Optional. React Set State function to update Word Count
scrollPosition(optional) number User cursor position to scroll to on intitalising the content of the editor
enableIndexeddbSync (optional) boolean Indicates when to use yjs-indexeddb provider
ddocId (optional) string custom ID for the document (this has to be provided to enable yjs-indexeddb provider)
editorCanvasClassNames(optional) string Optional. Extra className for editor-canvas
selectedTags (optional) TagType[] Array of currently selected tags
setSelectedTags (optional) React.Dispatch<SetStateAction<TagType[]>> Function to update selected tags
zoomLevel (required) string Current zoom level of the editor
setZoomLevel (required) React.Dispatch<SetStateAction<string>> Function to update zoom level
isNavbarVisible (required) boolean Controls visibility of the navbar
setIsNavbarVisible (required) React.Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>> Function to toggle navbar visibility
renderNavbar (optional) ({ editor: JSONContent }) => JSX.Element Function to render custom navbar content
disableBottomToolbar (optional) boolean When true, disables the bottom toolbar
isPresentationMode (optional) boolean Controls if editor is in presentation mode
setIsPresentationMode (optional) React.Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>> Function to toggle presentation mode
onInlineComment (optional) () => void Callback function when inline comment is added
onMarkdownExport (optional) () => void Callback function for markdown export
onMarkdownImport (optional) () => void Callback function for markdown import
sharedSlidesLink (optional) string Link for shared slides in presentation mode
documentName (optional) string Name of the document
onSlidesShare (optional) () => void Callback

Data Interface

The Data interface defines the structure of the data object.


Property Type Description
editorJSONData JSONContent Contains JSON data for the editor content.

Steps to run this example locally

  • npm i
  • npm run dev

It will open up a vite server, that will have the Ddoc Editor.

⚠️ This repository is currently undergoing rapid development, with frequent updates and changes. We recommend not to use in production yet.

Pro Extensions Setup

  1. Configure your .npmrc with the appropriate registry and authentication token:

  2. Install the corresponding extension packages:

  3. Use the extension in your DdocEditor component:


Comment-related Props

Prop Type Description
initialComments IComment[] Array of initial comments to populate the editor
onCommentReply (id: string, reply: IComment) => void Callback function when a reply is added to a comment
onNewComment (comment: IComment) => void Callback function when a new comment is created
setInitialComments (comments: IComment[]) => void Function to update the initial comments array
onResolveComment (commentId: string) => void Callback function when a comment is marked as resolved
onUnresolveComment (commentId: string) => void Callback function when a comment is marked as unresolved
onDeleteComment (commentId: string) => void Callback function when a comment is deleted
commentDrawerOpen boolean Controls the visibility of the comment drawer
setCommentDrawerOpen (isOpen: boolean) => void Function to toggle the comment drawer

Table of Contents Props

Prop Type Description
showTOC boolean Controls the visibility of the table of contents
setShowTOC (show: boolean) => void Function to toggle the table of contents visibility
proExtensions { TableOfContents: any, getHierarchicalIndexes: any } Extensions for table of contents functionality

Authentication Props

Prop Type Description
isConnected boolean Indicates if the user is connected
connectViaWallet () => Promise<void> Function to handle wallet-based authentication
isLoading boolean Indicates if authentication is in progress
connectViaUsername (username: string) => Promise<void> Function to handle username-based authentication
isDDocOwner boolean Indicates if the current user is the document owner