GoLDeN (Go Linked Data Notifications .... I just made up the e) is a Go based implementation of the W3C Linked Data Notifications recommendation. This is a work in progress and currently only the receiver is has been fleshed out and run through the validation. The sender and consumer code is just place holder stuff till I get a chance to work on it. Special thanks to which allowed me to bootstrap this work far quicker. Note this work is focused on LDN for data sets in particular and DCAT Dataset.
This work is related to a larger body of work with BCO-DMO related to the application of digital object architecture as defined by RDA work (citations needed here obviously). The goal is to apply the LDN pattern to data sets to allow the publication and subscription to inboxes/notifications (as defined by the LDN recommendation) associated with data sets.
The exact implementation details of how we are approaching needs to be detailed out a bit more here. Connecting LDN to the unique IDs of datasets is important to provide the datasets an identity that can be associated with an LDN inbox. Also we don't actually generate the inbox until the first notification is sent, but yet need to make sure to publish the capacity on all resources. The goal is to not build huge amounts of triples that then don't ever get used.
So, I'll attempt to get a document published that details out how we are approaching this goal and adapting the LDN pattern to data sets.