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Raspberry Pi model B ...

Bill of Materials



Install Raspbian Wheezy (~30m)

Although you can use many different operating systems on the Raspberry Pi, a bare bones Raspbian Linux server with no desktop works best:

  1. Format 16GB SD card with latest version of Raspbian tested with 2014-01-07 Raspbian Wheezy <30m
  2. Connect ethernet cable Raspberry Pi
  3. Connect Raspberry Pi camera to Raspberry Pi
  4. Connect power to Raspberry Pi
  5. Use an SSH utility (e.g., PuTTY for Windows) to login to raspberrypi as user pi, password raspberry.

Update your Raspberry Pi with the latest software (~15m)

  1. time sudo bash -c "apt-get update;apt-get -y upgrade;apt-get autoremove;rpi-update"
  2. sudo reboot
  3. uname -a verify firmware version is following version or later:

Linux raspberrypi 3.12.20+ #687 PREEMPT Fri May 30 16:39:11 BST 2014 armv6l GNU/Linux

Put your Raspberry Pi on a diet (<10m)

Apply liposuction to almost 1GB of excess weight:

sudo apt-get install -y libopencv-dev
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y ruby1.9.1
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y wolfram-engine
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y libgfortran3:armhf
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y scratch
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y minetest
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y minetest-dbg
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y minetest-server
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y xgalaga++
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y terminatorx
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y lletters
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y libjmathtex-java-gcj
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y koules
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y squeak-plugins-scratch
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y squeak-plugins-scratch-dbg
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y lightspark
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y lightspark-common
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y lightspark-dbg
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y browser-plugin-lightspark
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y xwax
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y python3-pifacedigital-scratch-handler
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y aspell
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y aspell-en
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y jackd
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y jackd2
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y libjack-jackd2-0:armhf
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y libruby1.9.1
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y supercollider
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y supercollider-common
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y supercollider-server
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y libsclang1
sudo apt-get --purge remove -y libscsynth1
sudo apt-get autoremove

Alternatively you can create a file that does this all at once.

  1. nano
  2. Copy all of the above liposuction code into the nano editor window
  3. Save the file by pressing Ctrl-X Y Enter
  4. The file can now be executed by typing sh Some interaction may be required

Tune Raspberry Pi for FirePick (<15m)

FirePick works best configured as follows:

  1. (Recommended) Set up wireless
  2. sudo raspi-config
  3. Expand Filesystem Yes
  4. Change User Password change your password or allow the world to hack your home!
  5. Internationalisation Options | Change Locale choose a UTF-8 locale such as en_US.UTF-8
  6. Internationalisation Options | Change Timezone
  7. Enable Camera Yes
  8. Overclock High usually works. If your RPi freeze intermittently, choose a lower speed.
  9. Advanced Options|Hostname FirePick
  10. Advanced Options|Memory Split 16 Provide more RAM for compiler, etc.
  11. Would you like to reboot now? Yes

Note: Since you changed your hostname from raspberrypi to FirePick, you may need to reconfigure your SSH utility to use the new hostname after rebooting.

Test the camera (IMPORTANT!)

Before going further, test your camera to make sure the hardware all works:

  1. raspistill -o camera.jpg

Copy the saved camera.jpg to another computer and Verify that camera.jpg shows what you expect. Check this now before installing any FirePick software.

NOTE: The Raspberry Pi camera can't be shared, and FirePick's use of the camera will cause raspistill and raspivid to faile with ENOSPC error.

Install FirePick components

Your Raspberry Pi is now ready for FirePick components:

  1. Build FireREST
  2. Build FirePiCam
  3. Build FireFuse
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