This is a complete testing workspace setup for the rclcs. Please make sure you did the steps described in the rclcs documentation before using this workspace.
- src/test_msgs - A simple test message which will be translated to c/c++ and c# code
- src/test_cs - Test and demonstration that shows how to use the rclcs in order to communicate via ROS2 (This is the C# code)
- src/test_cpp - Cpp listener for the message
- src/test_cpp_pub - Cpp publisher for the message
Just do an ament build
in the root directory.
Then do
source install/local_setup.bash
cd install/bin
export MONO_PATH=../lib:${AMENT_PREFIX_PATH}/lib>
mono test_cs.exe
This will start the Main function defined in Program.cs
For commented examples have a look at test_cs/test_cs/Examples
There are three examples at the moment.
- BasicNodeExample - demonstrates how to initialize the rcl and how to create/spin a node
- PublisherExample - create a publisher an publish the dummy message
- SubscriptionExample - subscribe on a TestTopic an recieve the Dummy message
By changing the line "-main:test_cs.MainClass"
in the CMakeLists.txt you can also build the other examples.
On Windows you can't use the MONO_PATH variable. Therefore you have to set the WindowsAssemblyLoader as entry point.
simply select in the StartMain method the example you want to start:
private static void StartMain(string[] args)