A small program to scan a folder for png/jpg/bmp files and cycle through them as desktop backgrounds.
Also looks for a folder named NSFW within given folder for photos for use only in an NSFW mode.
Allow showing/hiding desktop icons with hotkey.
Allow goin back for up to 50 previous backgrounds (in order of display).
Allow skipping to random next BG.
Allow pausing/favoriting/saving favorites.
Two cycle modes: Normal(All photos filtered by NSFW mode)/Only Favorites(also filtered by NSFW mode).
Three NSFW modes: Off, Combined, Only NSFW folder.
Customize rotation speed (its an approximation of seconds, good enough and adds a little randomness)...
BackgroundHotkeyThing.exe <absolute or relative path to png/jpg/bmp files> <number of seconds to delay rotation>
Win+Shift-N - Set next Background
Win+Shift-B - Set previous Background
Win+Shift-V - Pause Auto Rotate
Win+Shift-H - Change NSFW Mode (0/3rd press - Off, 1st press - Combined, 2nd press - Only NSFW)
Win+Shift-L - Only Cycle favorites (will not display NSFW favorites if NSFW mode is off)
Win+Shift-E - Export Favorited to file (located in provided wallpaper path as BackgroundHotkeyThing.ini)
Win+Shift-C - Clears Saved favorites from Exported File (may update to also clear current loaded favorites)
Win-Z - Toggle show/hide desktop icons
Win-S - Save current background into top of favorites (sets load position to top)
Win-F - Load favorite at top slot (starts at top and goes backward)
Win-Q - Quit