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RF tool based on CC1101 module and Arduino Pro Micro 8VMHz/3.3V. Allows using CLI with human readable commands to control CC1101 board over USB interface. Putty or any other serial terminal can be used. It has similar functionality to YardStick One but is cheaper and doesn't need specialized software. Allows for RF jamming and simple replay attack

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RF tool based on CC1101 module and Arduino Pro Micro 8VMHz/3.3V. Allows using CLI to control CC1101 board over USB interface. Putty or any other serial terminal can be used. It has similar functionality to YardStick One but is cheaper and does not need specialized software. Allows for RF jamming and replay attacks as well. It has RAW recording/replaying function which works exactly the same as in the Flipper Zero. Additional function is Radio Chat communicator

You simply connect your Arduino Pro Micro (Arduino Leonardo clone from Sparkfun) to USB port of your PC and launch Putty terminal to communicate with CC1101 module over USB Serial port ( /dev/ttyACM0 port in Linux, COMxx in Windows).

Also you may connect this device to Android OTG USB port in your smartphone for portable hacking and use USB Serial Terminal application with option CDC driver set to communicate with the device ( app : ).

Following commands are available :

setmodulation <mode>         // set modulation mode. 0 = 2-FSK, 1 = GFSK, 2 = ASK/OOK, 3 = 4-FSK, 4 = MSK. 

setmhz <frequency>           // Here you can set your basic frequency. default = 433.92).The cc1101 can: 300-348 MHZ, 387-464MHZ and 779-928MHZ.

setdeviation <deviation>     // Set the Frequency deviation in kHz. Value from 1.58 to 380.85. Default is 47.60 kHz.

setchannel <channel>         // Set the Channelnumber from 0 to 255. Default is cahnnel 0.

setchsp <spacing>            // The channel spacing is multiplied by the channel number CHAN and added to the base frequency in kHz. Value from 25.39 to 405.45. Default is 199.95 kHz. 

setrxbw <Receive bandwidh>   // Set the Receive Bandwidth in kHz. Value from 58.03 to 812.50. Default is 812.50 kHz.

setdrate <datarate>          // Set the Data Rate in kBaud. Value from 0.02 to 1621.83. Default is 99.97 kBaud!

setpa <power value>          // Set TxPower. The following settings are possible depending on the frequency band.  (-30  -20  -15  -10  -6    0    5    7    10   11   12) Default is max!

setsyncmode  <sync mode>     // Combined sync-word qualifier mode. 0 = No preamble/sync. 1 = 16 sync word bits detected. 2 = 16/16 sync word bits detected. 3 = 30/32 sync word bits detected. 4 = No preamble/sync, carrier-sense above threshold. 5 = 15/16 + carrier-sense above threshold. 6 = 16/16 + carrier-sense above threshold. 7 = 30/32 + carrier-sense above threshold.

setsyncword <LOW, HIGH>      // Set sync word. Must be the same for the transmitter and receiver. (Syncword high, Syncword low)

setadrchk <address check>    // Controls address check configuration of received packages. 0 = No address check. 1 = Address check, no broadcast. 2 = Address check and 0 (0x00) broadcast. 3 = Address check and 0 (0x00) and 255 (0xFF) broadcast.

setaddr <address>            // Address used for packet filtration. Optional broadcast addresses are 0 (0x00) and 255 (0xFF).

setwhitedata <whitening>     // Turn data whitening on / off. 0 = Whitening off. 1 = Whitening on.

setpktformat <pkt format>    // Format of RX and TX data. 0 = Normal mode, use FIFOs for RX and TX. 1 = Synchronous serial mode, Data in on GDO0 and data out on either of the GDOx pins. 2 = Random TX mode; sends random data using PN9 generator. Used for test. Works as normal mode, setting 0 (00), in RX. 3 = Asynchronous serial mode, Data in on GDO0 and data out on either of the GDOx pins.

setlengthconfig <mode>       // 0 = Fixed packet length mode. 1 = Variable packet length mode. 2 = Infinite packet length mode. 3 = Reserved 

setpacketlength <mode>       // Indicates the packet length when fixed packet length mode is enabled. If variable packet length mode is used, this value indicates the maximum packet length allowed.

setcrc <mode>                // 1 = CRC calculation in TX and CRC check in RX enabled. 0 = CRC disabled for TX and RX.

setcrcaf <mode>             // Enable automatic flush of RX FIFO when CRC is not OK. This requires that only one packet is in the RXIFIFO and that packet length is limited to the RX FIFO size.

setdcfilteroff <mode>        // Disable digital DC blocking filter before demodulator. Only for data rates ≤ 250 kBaud The recommended IF frequency changes when the DC blocking is disabled. 1 = Disable (current optimized). 0 = Enable (better sensitivity).

setmanchester <mode>         // Enables Manchester encoding/decoding. 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.

setfec <mode>                // Enable Forward Error Correction (FEC) with interleaving for packet payload (Only supported for fixed packet length mode. 0 = Disable. 1 = Enable.

setpre <mode>                // Sets the minimum number of preamble bytes to be transmitted. Values: 0 : 2, 1 : 3, 2 : 4, 3 : 6, 4 : 8, 5 : 12, 6 : 16, 7 : 24

setpqt <mode>                // Preamble quality estimator threshold. The preamble quality estimator increases an internal counter by one each time a bit is received that is different from the previous bit, and decreases the counter by 8 each time a bit is received that is the same as the last bit. A threshold of 4∙PQT for this counter is used to gate sync word detection. When PQT=0 a sync word is always accepted.

setappendstatus <mode>       // When enabled, two status bytes will be appended to the payload of the packet. The status bytes contain RSSI and LQI values, as well as CRC OK.

getrssi                      // Shows radio quality information about last received RF data frame.

scan <start freq> <end freq> // Scan frequency range for the highest signal and display results

rx                           // Enable or disable printing of received RF packets on serial terminal.

tx  <hex-vals>               // Send the packet of max 60 bytes < hex values > hex values over RF 

jam                          // Enable or disable continous jamming on selected band with selected modulation etc... 

rec                         // Enable or disable recording frames in the buffer.

show                         // Show content of recording buffer

add <hex-vals>               // Manually add single frame payload (max 60 hex values) to the buffer so it can be replayed

flush                        // Clear the recording buffer

play <N>                     // Replay 0 = all frames or N-th recorded frame

rxraw <microseconds>         // Sniffs radio by sampling with <microsecond> interval and prints received bytes in hex

addraw <hex-vals>            // Manually add chunks (max 60 hex values) to the buffer so they can be further replayed.

recraw <microseconds>        // Recording RAW RF data with <microsecond> sampling interval

showraw                      // Showing content of recording buffer in RAW format

showbit                      // Showing content of recording buffer in RAW format as a stream of bits.

playraw <microseconds>       // Replaying previously recorded RAW RF data with <microsecond> sampling interval

save                         // Store recording buffer content in non-volatile memory

load                         // Load the content from non-volatile memory to the recording buffer

echo <mode>                  // Enable or disable Echo on serial terminal. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled

chat                         // switching device into chat mode 

x                            // Stops activities like jamming/receiving/recording packets

init                         // Restarts CC1101 board with default parameters 

The code uses SmartRC library (modified Electrohouse library by Little_S@tan) which allows to customize ALL transmission parameters in human readable format without using SmartRF studio from TI (CC1101 parameter customization tool). To use it please download following ZIP library from following github link and attach it to the script in Arduino IDE.

Arduino Pro Micro board ( ATMEGA32U4 chip ) must support 3.3Volt VCC and 3.3V TTL logic because this is required by CC1101 board, otherwise you will fry CC1101 chip. Please follow this guide to setup your Arduino environment for Arduino Pro Micro board :

If you are having issues with uploading the code from Arduino IDE to the board, after pressing "Upload" in Arduino you have to immediatelly short GND+RST pins two times in few seconds. Then bootloader in Arduino Pro Micro will start (common issue) and upload will begin.

Connections to be made for ARDUINO PRO MICRO :


DIGITAL PIN 3 ( PD0 / INT0 ) <-> CC1101 GDO0

DIGITAL PIN 9 ( PB5 ) <-> CC1101 GDO2

DIGITAL PIN 10 ( PB6 ) <-> CC1101 CSN / CS / SS

DIGITAL PIN 16 ( PB2 / MOSI ) <-> CC1101 MOSI / SI

DIGITAL PIN 14 ( PB3 / MISO ) <-> CC1101 MISO / SO

DIGITAL PIN 15 ( PB1 / SCK ) <-> CC1101 SCLK / CLK

VCC 3.3V <-> CC1101 VCC

GND <-> CC1101 GND

If you want to use different Arduino Board, please change pin assignment in the beginning of the source code and adjust size of EEPROM/FLASH for storing recorded data and size of SRAM memory

Example for ESP32 board :

#define RECORDINGBUFFERSIZE 4096 // Buffer for recording the frames

#define EPROMSIZE 512 // Size of EEPROM in your Arduino chip. For ESP32 it is Flash simulated 512 bytes only

// defining PINs set for ESP32 module

byte sck = 18; // GPIO 18

byte miso = 19; // GPIO 19

byte mosi = 23; // GPIO

byte ss = 5; // GPIO 5

int gdo0 = 2; // GPIO 2

int gdo2 = 4; // GPIO 4

Example for XIAO ESP32 C3

#define RECORDINGBUFFERSIZE 4096 // Buffer for recording the frames

#define EPROMSIZE 512 // Size of EEPROM in your Arduino chip. For ESP32 it is Flash simulated 512 bytes only

// defining PINs set for ESP32 module

byte sck = 8;

byte miso = 4;

byte mosi = 10;

byte ss = 20;

int gdo0 = 21;

int gdo2 = 7;

Example for WEMOS D1 MINI module

#define RECORDINGBUFFERSIZE 4096 // Buffer for recording the frames

#define EPROMSIZE 4096 // Size of EEPROM in your Arduino chip. For ESP8266 size is 4096

// defining PINs set for ESP8266 - WEMOS D1 MINI module

byte sck = 14; // GPIO 14

byte miso = 12; // GPIO 12

byte mosi = 13; // GPIO 13

byte ss = 15; // GPIO 15

int gdo0 = 5; // GPIO 5

int gdo2 = 4; // GPIO 4

Example for Arduino Nano board - ATTENTION ! I HAVE TESTED THIS BOARD AND IT REQUIRES TTL LOGIC COVERTER 5V<->3.3V TXS0108E ESPECIALLY FOR BOARD CC1101 : E07-M1101D, otherwise it does not work

#define RECORDINGBUFFERSIZE 1024 // Buffer for recording the frames

#define EPROMSIZE 1024 // Size of EEPROM in your Arduino chip.

// defining PINs for Arduino NANO

byte sck = 16; // D13

byte miso = 15; // D12

byte mosi = 14; // D11

byte ss = 13; // D10

int gdo0 = 9; // D6

int gdo2 = 5; // D2

First version of this project was presented in this video :

Change log :

08.06.2023 : optimized CLI

  • removed unnecessary parameters for commands RX, TX, JAM.
  • changed command JAMM to JAM.
  • optimized output of RX command - now will print directly hex values with no description when sniffer enabled.
  • corrected reaction for CR/LF when using with "Serial Terminal" application on USB OTG port on Android phones
  • Added CHAT mode, if you have couple of these devices you may use it as and IRC like communicator on selected band/modulation/frequency/channel...

09.06.2023 : added RAW mode as in Flipper Zero

  • rxraw "interval microseconds",
  • recraw "interval usec",
  • playraw "interval usec",
  • showraw - for record & replay attacking.
  • buffer of 1536 bytes is used to store recording (in ATMEGA32U4, 1024 for Atmega Mega/Uno/Nano, 4096 or more for ESP32 boards).
  • after playing with RAW mode please always enter "init" command to restart CC1101 chip. Don't worry about Low Memory warning during Arduino compilation it will work JUST FINE.. Enjoy :-)

10.06.2023 :

  • added Arduino Mega/Nano/Uno version which requires TTL logic converter for 3.3V - TXS0108E.
  • added ESP32 version.
  • changed RECRAW command to start recording RAW signal once something appears over the radio.
  • added command ADDRAW to enable manual composition of the signal in the buffer (by copying hex number chunks from Universal Radio Hacker tool for example).
  • added option SCAN to find a peak frequency for recording/jamming..

17.06.2023 :

  • added SAVE function to store recorded frames buffer into non-volatile EEPROM memory of the Arduino chip
  • added LOAD function to restore recorded frames from non-volatile memory and put them into recording buffer for replaying.
  • added SHOWBIT command to display RAW data from the buffer as stream of bits.
  • corrected ESP32 version which has problem with changing (char *) type to (byte *) due to different C++ compiler for ESP32 boards

18.06.2023 :


  • added debug message during CC1101 startup
  • corrected EEPROM usage for ESP32 chip based Arduino - ESP32 has 512 bytes, ESP8266 has 4096 bytes
  • added ESP32-WROOM version ( I have tested it succesfully with my own board )
  • added ESP8266 - WEMOS D1 Mini version

Known Bugs : sometimes RX command does not work correctly after many big frames have been received (in packet mode, not in async mode). This may be due to some memory leak in SmartRC library. Still checking what is the reason.


RF tool based on CC1101 module and Arduino Pro Micro 8VMHz/3.3V. Allows using CLI with human readable commands to control CC1101 board over USB interface. Putty or any other serial terminal can be used. It has similar functionality to YardStick One but is cheaper and doesn't need specialized software. Allows for RF jamming and simple replay attack






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