A database system for midwives program in Quebec.
This database application aims to serve midwives' side of data input and processing. A midwife can use this application to review information related to appointments with expecting parents. They can check all notes, and medical tests related to the parents, add new notes for a certain appointment, or prescribe medical tests for the mother.
- Design the database using Entity Relationship Model
- Translate the ER into Relational Model
- Set up DB2 database locally using Docker
- Implement the Design using IBM-DB2
- Inject testing data into the database
- Perform advanced queries to test the design of the database
- Develop a CLI using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- Mother (RAMQNum, mname, email, phone, dob, address, profession, bloodtype)
- Father (fatherID, fname, email, phone, dob, address, profession, bloodtype, RAMQNum)
- Couple (coupleID, RAMQNum, fatherID) RAMQNum Reference Mother, fatherID Reference Father
- Institution (institutionID, name, phone, email, address, website)
- CommunityClinic (institutionID) institutionID Reference Institution
- BirthCenter (institutionID) institutionID Reference Institution
- Midwife (practitionerID, name, phone, email, institutionID) institutionID Reference Institution
- InformationSession (sessionID, date, time, language, practitionerID) practitionerID Reference Midwife
- InformationSessionRegistration (registrationRecord,sessionID, coupleID, attended) sessionID Reference InformationSession, coupleID Reference Couple
- Pregnancy (coupleID, pregnancyNum, interested, dueYM, estimatedDD, ultrasoundDD, finalDD, homebirth, primaryPractitionerID, backupPractitionerID, institutionID) coupleID Reference Couple, primaryPractitionerID Reference Midwife, backupPractitionerID Reference Midwife, institutionID Reference BirthCenter
- Baby (babyID, name, birthday, birthTime, bloodtype, legalSex, pregnancyNum, coupleID) (coupleID, pregnancyNum) Reference Pregnancy
- Technician (techID, name, phone)
- MedicalTest (testID, type, labworkDate, prescribedDate, takenDate, result, practitionerID, pregnancyNum, coupleID, babyID, techID) practitionerID Reference Midwife, (coupleID, pregnancyNum) Reference Pregnancy, babyID Reference Baby, techID Reference Technician
- Appointment (appointmentID, date, time, pregancyNum, coupleID, practitionerID) practitionerID Reference Midwife, (coupleID, pregnancyNum) Reference Pregnancy
- Observation (observationID, time, date, content, appointmentID) appointmentID Reference Appointment
All program within this repository are licensed under the MIT License