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Make extractClosestPoints more robust
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For simplex of size n, if the simplex is degenerate, extracts from a
simplex of size n - 1 (to prevent returning NaN).

1. Refactor point extraction into independently callable methods.
2. At each level, add method for downgrading the simplex.
3. Add unit tests on the local methods.
4. Add integration test with motivating example.
5. Update documentation of this implementation.
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SeanCurtis-TRI committed Jun 1, 2018
1 parent 9023c8f commit 9df0b23
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Showing 4 changed files with 835 additions and 131 deletions.
373 changes: 249 additions & 124 deletions include/fcl/narrowphase/detail/convexity_based_algorithm/gjk_libccd-inl.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1005,148 +1005,273 @@ static int __ccdEPA(const void *obj1, const void *obj2,
return 0;

/** Returns the points p1 and p2 on the original shapes that correspond to point
* p in the given simplex.*/
static void extractClosestPoints(ccd_simplex_t* simplex,
ccd_vec3_t* p1, ccd_vec3_t* p2, ccd_vec3_t* p)

/** Reports true if p and q are coincident. */
static bool are_coincident(const ccd_vec3_t& p, const ccd_vec3_t& q) {
// This uses a scale-dependent basis for determining coincidence. It examines
// each axis independently, and only, if all three axes are sufficiently
// close (relative to its own scale), are the two points considered
// coincident.
// For dimension i, two values are considered the same if:
// |pᵢ - qⱼ| <= ε·max(1, |pᵢ|, |pⱼ|)
// And the points are coincident if the previous condition for all
// `i ∈ {0, 1, 2}` (i.e. the x-, y-, *and* z-dimensions).
using std::abs;
using std::max;

const ccd_real_t eps = constants<ccd_real_t>::eps();
// NOTE: Wrapping "1.0" with ccd_real_t accounts for mac problems where ccd
// is actually float based.
ccd_real_t scales[3] = {
max({ccd_real_t{1.0}, abs(p.v[0]), abs(q.v[0])}) * eps,
max({ccd_real_t{1.0}, abs(p.v[1]), abs(q.v[1])}) * eps,
max({ccd_real_t{1.0}, abs(p.v[2]), abs(q.v[2])}) * eps};
ccd_real_t delta[3] = {abs(p.v[0] - q.v[0]),
abs(p.v[1] - q.v[1]),
abs(p.v[2] - q.v[2])};

return delta[0] <= scales[0] && delta[1] <= scales[1] &&
delta[2] <= scales[2];

/** Determines if the the triangle defined by the three vertices has zero area.
Area can be zero for one of two reasons:
- the triangle is so small that the vertices are functionally coincident, or
- the vertices are co-linear.
Both conditions are computed with respect to machine precision.
@returns true if the area is zero. */
static bool triangle_area_is_zero(const ccd_vec3_t& a, const ccd_vec3_t& b,
const ccd_vec3_t& c) {
// First coincidence condition.
if (are_coincident(a, b) || are_coincident(a, c)) return true;

// We're going to compute the *sine* of the angle θ between edges (given that
// the vertices are *not* coincident). If the sin(θ) < ε, the edges are
// co-linear.
ccd_vec3_t AB, AC, n;
ccdVec3Sub2(&AB, &b, &a);
ccdVec3Sub2(&AC, &c, &a);
ccdVec3Cross(&n, &AB, &AC);
const ccd_real_t eps = constants<ccd_real_t>::eps();
// Second co-linearity condition.
if (ccdVec3Len2(&n) < eps * eps) return true;
return false;

/** Given a single support point, `q`, extract the point `p1` and `p2`, the
points on object 1 and 2, respectively, in the support data of `q`. */
static void extractObjectPointsFromPoint(ccd_support_t *q, ccd_vec3_t *p1,
ccd_vec3_t *p2) {
// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Determine if I should be demanding that p1 and p2
// are defined.
// Closest points are the ones stored in the simplex
if (p1) *p1 = q->v1;
if (p2) *p2 = q->v2;

/** Given two support points which define a line segment (`a` and `b`), and a
point on that line segment `p`, computes the points `p1` and `p2`, the points
on object 1 and 2, respectively, in the support data which correspond to `p`.
@pre `p = a + s(b - a), 0 <= s <= 1` */
static void extractObjectPointsFromSegment(ccd_support_t *a, ccd_support_t *b,
ccd_vec3_t *p1, ccd_vec3_t *p2,
ccd_vec3_t *p) {
// Closest points lie on the segment defined by the points in the simplex
// Let the segment be defined by points A and B. We can write p as
// p = A + s*AB, 0 <= s <= 1
// p - A = s*AB
ccd_vec3_t AB;
ccdVec3Sub2(&AB, &(b->v), &(a->v));

// This defines three equations, but we only need one. Taking the i-th
// component gives
// p_i - A_i = s*AB_i.
// Thus, s is given by
// s = (p_i - A_i)/AB_i.
// To avoid dividing by an AB_i ≪ 1, we choose i such that |AB_i| is
// maximized
ccd_real_t abs_AB_x{std::abs(ccdVec3X(&AB))};
ccd_real_t abs_AB_y{std::abs(ccdVec3Y(&AB))};
ccd_real_t abs_AB_z{std::abs(ccdVec3Z(&AB))};

ccd_real_t A_i, AB_i, p_i;
if (abs_AB_x >= abs_AB_y && abs_AB_x >= abs_AB_z) {
A_i = ccdVec3X(&(a->v));
AB_i = ccdVec3X(&AB);
p_i = ccdVec3X(p);
} else if (abs_AB_y >= abs_AB_z) {
A_i = ccdVec3Y(&(a->v));
AB_i = ccdVec3Y(&AB);
p_i = ccdVec3Y(p);
} else {
A_i = ccdVec3Z(&(a->v));
AB_i = ccdVec3Z(&AB);
p_i = ccdVec3Z(p);

if (std::abs(AB_i) < constants<ccd_real_t>::eps()) {
// Points are coincident; treat as a single point.
extractObjectPointsFromPoint(a, p1, p2);

auto calc_p = [](ccd_vec3_t *p_a, ccd_vec3_t *p_b, ccd_vec3_t *p,
ccd_real_t s) {
ccd_vec3_t sAB;
ccdVec3Sub2(&sAB, p_b, p_a);
ccdVec3Scale(&sAB, s);
ccdVec3Copy(p, p_a);
ccdVec3Add(p, &sAB);

// TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): If p1 or p2 is null, there seems little point in
// calling this method. It seems that both of these being non-null should be
// a *requirement*. Determine that this is the case and do so.
ccd_real_t s = (p_i - A_i) / AB_i;

if (p1) {
// p1 = A1 + s*A1B1
calc_p(&(a->v1), &(b->v1), p1, s);
if (p2) {
// p2 = A2 + s*A2B2
calc_p(&(a->v2), &(b->v2), p2, s);

/** Returns the points `p1` and `p2` on the original shapes that correspond to
point `p` in the given simplex.
@pre simplex size <= 3.
@pre p lies _on_ the simplex (i.e., within the triangle, line segment, or is
coincident with the point). */
static void extractClosestPoints(ccd_simplex_t *simplex, ccd_vec3_t *p1,
ccd_vec3_t *p2, ccd_vec3_t *p) {
const int simplex_size = ccdSimplexSize(simplex);
assert(simplex_size <= 3);
if (simplex_size == 1)
// Closest points are the ones stored in the simplex
if(p1) *p1 = simplex->ps[simplex->last].v1;
if(p2) *p2 = simplex->ps[simplex->last].v2;
extractObjectPointsFromPoint(&simplex->ps[0], p1, p2);
else if (simplex_size ==2)
else if (simplex_size == 2)
// Closest points lie on the segment defined by the points in the simplex
// Let the segment be defined by points A and B. We can write p as
// p = A + s*AB, 0 <= s <= 1
// p - A = s*AB
ccd_vec3_t AB;
extractObjectPointsFromSegment(&simplex->ps[0], &simplex->ps[1], p1, p2, p);
else // simplex_size == 3
if (triangle_area_is_zero(simplex->ps[0].v, simplex->ps[1].v,
simplex->ps[2].v)) {
// The triangle is degenerate; compute the nearest point to a line
// segment. The segment is defined by the most-distant vertex pair.
int a_index, b_index;
ccd_vec3_t AB, AC, BC;
ccdVec3Sub2(&AB, &(simplex->ps[1].v), &(simplex->ps[0].v));

// This defines three equations, but we only need one. Taking the i-th
// component gives
// p_i - A_i = s*AB_i.
// Thus, s is given by
// s = (p_i - A_i)/AB_i.
// To avoid dividing by an AB_i ≪ 1, we choose i such that |AB_i| is
// maximized
ccd_real_t abs_AB_x{std::abs(ccdVec3X(&AB))};
ccd_real_t abs_AB_y{std::abs(ccdVec3Y(&AB))};
ccd_real_t abs_AB_z{std::abs(ccdVec3Z(&AB))};
ccd_real_t s{0};

if (abs_AB_x >= abs_AB_y && abs_AB_x >= abs_AB_z) {
ccd_real_t A_x{ccdVec3X(&(simplex->ps[0].v))};
ccd_real_t AB_x{ccdVec3X(&AB)};
ccd_real_t p_x{ccdVec3X(p)};
s = (p_x - A_x) / AB_x;
} else if (abs_AB_y >= abs_AB_z) {
ccd_real_t A_y{ccdVec3Y(&(simplex->ps[0].v))};
ccd_real_t AB_y{ccdVec3Y(&AB)};
ccd_real_t p_y{ccdVec3Y(p)};
s = (p_y - A_y) / AB_y;
ccdVec3Sub2(&AC, &(simplex->ps[2].v), &(simplex->ps[0].v));
ccdVec3Sub2(&BC, &(simplex->ps[2].v), &(simplex->ps[1].v));
ccd_real_t AB_len2 = ccdVec3Len2(&AB);
ccd_real_t AC_len2 = ccdVec3Len2(&AC);
ccd_real_t BC_len2 = ccdVec3Len2(&BC);
if (AB_len2 >= AC_len2 && AB_len2 >= BC_len2) {
a_index = 0;
b_index = 1;
} else if (AC_len2 >= AB_len2 && AC_len2 >= BC_len2) {
a_index = 0;
b_index = 2;
} else {
ccd_real_t A_z{ccdVec3Z(&(simplex->ps[0].v))};
ccd_real_t AB_z{ccdVec3Z(&AB)};
ccd_real_t p_z{ccdVec3Z(p)};
s = (p_z - A_z) / AB_z;
a_index = 1;
b_index = 2;
&simplex->ps[b_index], p1, p2, p);

if (p1)
// p1 = A1 + s*A1B1
ccd_vec3_t sAB;
ccdVec3Sub2(&sAB, &(simplex->ps[1].v1), &(simplex->ps[0].v1));
ccdVec3Scale(&sAB, s);
ccdVec3Copy(p1, &(simplex->ps[0].v1));
ccdVec3Add(p1, &sAB);
if (p2)
// p2 = A2 + s*A2B2
ccd_vec3_t sAB;
ccdVec3Sub2(&sAB, &(simplex->ps[1].v2), &(simplex->ps[0].v2));
ccdVec3Scale(&sAB, s);
ccdVec3Copy(p2, &(simplex->ps[0].v2));
ccdVec3Add(p2, &sAB);
else // simplex_size == 3
// Closest points lie in the triangle defined by the points in the simplex
ccd_vec3_t AB, AC, n, v_prime, AB_cross_v_prime, AC_cross_v_prime;
// Let the triangle be defined by points A, B, and C. The triangle lies in
// the plane that passes through A, whose normal is given by n̂, where
// Compute the barycentric coordinates of point p in triangle ABC.
// n = AB × AC
// n̂ = n / ‖n‖
ccdVec3Sub2(&AB, &(simplex->ps[1].v), &(simplex->ps[0].v));
ccdVec3Sub2(&AC, &(simplex->ps[2].v), &(simplex->ps[0].v));
ccdVec3Cross(&n, &AB, &AC);

// Since p lies in ABC, it can be expressed as
// A
// ╱╲ p = αA + βB + γC
// ╱ |╲
// ╱ | ╲ α = 1 - β - γ
// ╱ p | ╲ β = AREA(pAC) / AREA(ABC)
// ╱ / \ ╲ γ = AREA(pAB) / AREA(ABC)
// ╱__/_____\_╲
// B C AREA(XYZ) = |r_XY × r_XZ| / 2
// p = A + p'
// p' = s*AB + t*AC
// Rewrite coordinates in terms of cross products.
// where 0 <= s, t, s+t <= 1.
ccdVec3Sub2(&v_prime, p, &(simplex->ps[0].v));

// To find the corresponding v1 and v2, we need
// values for s and t. Taking cross products with AB and AC gives the
// following system:
// β = AREA(pAC) / AREA(ABC) = |r_Ap × r_AC| / |r_AB × r_AC|
// γ = AREA(pAB) / AREA(ABC) = |r_AB × r_Ap| / |r_AB × r_AC|
// AB × p' = t*(AB × AC) = t*n
// AC × p' = -s*(AB × AC) = -s*n
ccdVec3Cross(&AB_cross_v_prime, &AB, &v_prime);
ccdVec3Cross(&AC_cross_v_prime, &AC, &v_prime);

// To convert this to a system of scalar equations, we take the dot product
// with n:
// NOTE: There are multiple options for the cross products, these have been
// selected to re-use as many symbols as possible.
// n ⋅ (AB × p') = t * ‖n‖²
// n ⋅ (AC × p') = -s * ‖n‖²
ccd_real_t norm_squared_n{ccdVec3Len2(&n)};

// Therefore, s and t are given by
// Solving for β and γ:
// β = |r_Ap × r_AC| / |r_AB × r_AC|
// β = |r_Ap × r_AC| / |n| n ≙ r_AB × r_AC
// β = n̂·(r_Ap × r_AC) / n̂·n This step arises from the fact
// that (r_Ap × r_AC) and n point
// in the same direction.
// β = (n/|n|)·(r_Ap × r_AC) / (n/|n|)·n
// β = n·(r_Ap × r_AC) / n·n
// β = n·(r_Ap × r_AC) / |n|²
// s = -n ⋅ (AC × p') / ‖n‖²
// t = n ⋅ (AB × p') / ‖n‖²
ccd_real_t s{-ccdVec3Dot(&n, &AC_cross_v_prime) / norm_squared_n};
ccd_real_t t{ccdVec3Dot(&n, &AB_cross_v_prime) / norm_squared_n};
// A similar process to solve for gamma
// γ = n·(r_AB × r_Ap) / |n|²

// Compute n and |n|².
ccd_vec3_t r_AB, r_AC, n;
ccdVec3Sub2(&r_AB, &(simplex->ps[1].v), &(simplex->ps[0].v));
ccdVec3Sub2(&r_AC, &(simplex->ps[2].v), &(simplex->ps[0].v));
ccdVec3Cross(&n, &r_AB, &r_AC);
ccd_real_t norm_squared_n{ccdVec3Len2(&n)};

if (p1)
// p1 = A1 + s*A1B1 + t*A1C1
ccd_vec3_t sAB, tAC;
ccdVec3Sub2(&sAB, &(simplex->ps[1].v1), &(simplex->ps[0].v1));
ccdVec3Scale(&sAB, s);
ccdVec3Sub2(&tAC, &(simplex->ps[2].v1), &(simplex->ps[0].v1));
ccdVec3Scale(&tAC, t);
ccdVec3Copy(p1, &(simplex->ps[0].v1));
ccdVec3Add(p1, &sAB);
ccdVec3Add(p1, &tAC);
// Compute r_Ap.
ccd_vec3_t r_Ap;
ccdVec3Sub2(&r_Ap, p, &(simplex->ps[0].v));

// Compute the cross products in the numerators.
ccd_vec3_t r_Ap_cross_r_AC, r_AB_cross_r_Ap;
ccdVec3Cross(&r_Ap_cross_r_AC, &r_Ap, &r_AC); // r_Ap × r_AC
ccdVec3Cross(&r_AB_cross_r_Ap, &r_AB, &r_Ap); // r_AB × r_Ap

// Compute beta and gamma.
ccd_real_t beta{ccdVec3Dot(&n, &r_Ap_cross_r_AC) / norm_squared_n};
ccd_real_t gamma{ccdVec3Dot(&n, &r_AB_cross_r_Ap) / norm_squared_n};

// Evaluate barycentric interpolation (with the locally defined barycentric
// coordinates).
auto interpolate = [&beta, &gamma](const ccd_vec3_t& r_WA,
const ccd_vec3_t& r_WB,
const ccd_vec3_t& r_WC,
ccd_vec3_t* r_WP) {
// r_WP = r_WA + β * r_AB + γ * r_AC
ccdVec3Copy(r_WP, &r_WA);

ccd_vec3_t beta_r_AB;
ccdVec3Sub2(&beta_r_AB, &r_WB, &r_WA);
ccdVec3Scale(&beta_r_AB, beta);
ccdVec3Add(r_WP, &beta_r_AB);

ccd_vec3_t gamma_r_AC;
ccdVec3Sub2(&gamma_r_AC, &r_WC, &r_WA);
ccdVec3Scale(&gamma_r_AC, gamma);
ccdVec3Add(r_WP, &gamma_r_AC);

if (p1) {
interpolate(simplex->ps[0].v1, simplex->ps[1].v1, simplex->ps[2].v1, p1);
if (p2)
// p2 = A2 + s*A2B2 + t*A2C2
ccd_vec3_t sAB, tAC;
ccdVec3Sub2(&sAB, &(simplex->ps[1].v2), &(simplex->ps[0].v2));
ccdVec3Scale(&sAB, s);
ccdVec3Sub2(&tAC, &(simplex->ps[2].v2), &(simplex->ps[0].v2));
ccdVec3Scale(&tAC, t);
ccdVec3Copy(p2, &(simplex->ps[0].v2));
ccdVec3Add(p2, &sAB);
ccdVec3Add(p2, &tAC);

if (p2) {
interpolate(simplex->ps[0].v2, simplex->ps[1].v2, simplex->ps[2].v2, p2);
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