CppZip is an open source c++ zip library and is based on minizip and zlib. CppZip is implemented with standard C++ (C++11) and some functions of the boost libraries.
It's implementation focus is
- on easy to use - a clear and well documented API,
- to run on multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, ...),
- and well tested.
Zip compresses and zips files and folders.
- Adding files from memory
- Adding files from file system
- Adding complete (and recursive) folders from file system
- Delete files
- Replace files
- Supports Passwords
Unzip uncompresses and unzips zip files.
- Inspect files inside a zip (e.g. file list)
- Extract to file system
- Extract to memory
- Supports Passwords
Florian Künzner release state
Compiles with cmake into the directory "build":
#create build dir
mkdir build
cmake -H. -Bbuild
cmake --build build -- -j
#build doc
cmake --build build -- doc
#create build dir
mkdir build
cmake -H. -Bbuild
cmake --build build --config Release --
#build doc
cmake --build build --config Release --target doc
see LICENSE.txt