is a Python library for performing higher-level natural language processing (NLP) tasks, built on the high-performance Spacy library. With the basics --- tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, parsing --- offloaded to another library, textacy
focuses on tasks facilitated by the availability of tokenized, POS-tagged, and parsed text: keyterm extraction, readability statistics, emotional valence analysis, quotation attribution, and more.
- Functions for preprocessing raw text prior to analysis (whitespace normalization, URL/email/number/date replacement, unicode fixing/stripping, etc.)
- Convenient interface to basic linguistic elements provided by Spacy (words, ngrams, noun phrases, etc.), along with standardized filtering options
- Variety of functions for extracting information from text (particular POS patterns, subject-verb-object triples, acronyms and their definitions, direct quotations, etc.)
- Unsupervised key term extraction (specific algorithms such as SGRank or TextRank, as well as a general semantic network-based approach)
- Conversion of individual documents into common representations (bag of words), as well as corpora (term-document matrix, with TF or TF-IDF weighting, and filtering by these metrics or IC)
- Common utility functions for identifying a text's language, displaying key words in context (KWIC), truecasing words, and higher-level navigation of a parse tree
- Sklearn-style topic modeling with LSA, LDA, or NMF, including functions to interpret the results of trained models
And more!
The simple way to install textacy
$ pip install -U textacy
Or, download and unzip the source tar.gz
from PyPi, then
$ python setup.py install
>>> import textacy
Efficiently stream documents from disk and into a processed corpus:
>>> docs = textacy.corpora.fetch_bernie_and_hillary()
>>> content_stream, metadata_stream = textacy.fileio.split_content_and_metadata(
... docs, 'text', itemwise=False)
>>> corpus = textacy.TextCorpus.from_texts(
... 'en', content_stream, metadata_stream, n_threads=2)
>>> print(corpus)
TextCorpus(3066 docs; 1909705 tokens)
Represent corpus as a document-term matrix, with flexible weighting and filtering:
>>> doc_term_matrix, id2term = corpus.as_doc_term_matrix(
... (doc.as_terms_list(words=True, ngrams=False, named_entities=True)
... for doc in corpus),
... weighting='tfidf', normalize=True, smooth_idf=True, min_df=2, max_df=0.95)
>>> print(repr(doc_term_matrix))
<3066x16145 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
with 432067 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>
Train and interpret a topic model:
>>> model = textacy.tm.TopicModel('nmf', n_topics=10)
>>> model.fit(doc_term_matrix)
>>> doc_topic_matrix = model.transform(doc_term_matrix)
>>> print(doc_topic_matrix.shape)
(3066, 10)
>>> for topic_idx, top_terms in model.top_topic_terms(id2term, top_n=10):
... print('topic', topic_idx, ':', ' '.join(top_terms))
topic 0 : people tax $ percent american million republican country go americans
topic 1 : rescind quorum order consent unanimous ask president mr. madam absence
topic 2 : chairman chairman. amendment mr. clerk gentleman designate offer sanders vermont
topic 3 : dispense reading amendment consent unanimous ask president mr. madam pending
topic 4 : senate consent session unanimous authorize ask committee meet president a.m.
topic 5 : health care state child veteran va vermont new 's need
topic 6 : china american speaker worker trade job wage america gentleman people
topic 7 : social security social security cut senior medicare deficit benefit year cola
topic 8 : senators desiring chamber vote minute morning permit 10 minute proceed speak
topic 9 : motion table reconsider lay agree preamble record resolution consent print
Basic indexing as well as flexible selection of documents in a corpus:
>>> bernie_docs = list(corpus.get_docs(
... lambda doc: doc.metadata['speaker'] == 'Bernard Sanders'))
>>> print(len(bernie_docs))
>>> doc = corpus[-1]
>>> print(doc)
TextDoc(465 tokens; "Mr. President, I ask to have printed in the Rec...")
Preprocess plain text, or highlight particular terms in it:
>>> textacy.preprocess_text(doc.text, lowercase=True, no_punct=True)[:70]
'mr president i ask to have printed in the record copies of some of the'
>>> textacy.text_utils.keyword_in_context(doc.text, 'nation', window_width=35)
ed States of America is an amazing nation that continues to lead the world t
come the role model for developing nation s attempting to give their people t
ve before to better ourselves as a nation , because what we change will set a
nd education. Fortunately, we as a nation have the opportunity to fix the in
sentences. Judges from across the nation have said for decades that they do
reopened many racial wounds in our nation . The war on drugs also put addicts
Extract various elements of interest from parsed documents:
>>> list(doc.ngrams(2, filter_stops=True, filter_punct=True, filter_nums=False))[:15]
[Mr. President,
Record copies,
finalist essays,
essays written,
Vermont High,
High School,
School students,
sixth annual,
annual ``,
essay contest,
contest conducted,
nearly 800,
800 entries,
material follows,
United States]
>>> list(doc.ngrams(3, filter_stops=True, filter_punct=True, min_freq=2))
[lead the world,
leading the world,
2.2 million people,
2.2 million people,
mandatory minimum sentences,
Mandatory minimum sentences,
war on drugs,
war on drugs]
>>> list(doc.named_entities(drop_determiners=True, bad_ne_types='numeric'))
Vermont High School,
United States of America,
African American]
>>> pattern = textacy.regexes_etc.POS_REGEX_PATTERNS['en']['NP']
>>> print(pattern)
<DET>? <NUM>* (<ADJ> <PUNCT>? <CONJ>?)* (<NOUN>|<PROPN> <PART>?)+
>>> list(doc.pos_regex_matches(pattern))[-10:]
many racial wounds,
our nation,
The war,
the problem,
a mental health issue]
>>> list(doc.semistructured_statements('it', cue='be'))
[(it, is, important to humanize these statistics),
(It, is, the third highest state expenditure, behind health care and education),
(it, is, ; a mental health issue)]
>>> doc.key_terms(algorithm='textrank', n=5)
[('nation', 0.04315758994993049),
('world', 0.030590559641614556),
('incarceration', 0.029577233127175532),
('problem', 0.02411902162606202),
('people', 0.022631145896105508)]
Compute common statistical attributes of a text:
>>> doc.readability_stats
{'automated_readability_index': 11.67580188679245,
'coleman_liau_index': 10.89927271226415,
'flesch_kincaid_grade_level': 10.711962264150948,
'flesch_readability_ease': 56.022660377358505,
'gunning_fog_index': 13.857358490566037,
'n_chars': 2026,
'n_polysyllable_words': 57,
'n_sents': 20,
'n_syllables': 648,
'n_unique_words': 228,
'n_words': 424,
'smog_index': 12.773325707644965}
Count terms individually, and represent documents as a bag of terms with flexible weighting and inclusion criteria:
>>> doc.term_count('nation')
>>> bot = doc.as_bag_of_terms(weighting='tf', normalized=False, lemmatize='auto', ngram_range=(1, 1))
>>> [(doc.spacy_stringstore[term_id], count)
... for term_id, count in bot.most_common(n=10)]
[('nation', 6),
('world', 4),
('incarceration', 4),
('people', 3),
('mandatory minimum', 3),
('lead', 3),
('minimum', 3),
('problem', 3),
('mandatory', 3),
('drug', 3)]
- Burton DeWilde (<[email protected]>)
- [x] import/export for common formats
- [x] serialization and streaming to/from disk
- [x] topic modeling via
- [x] data viz for text analysis
- [ ] distributional representations (word2vec etc.) via either
- [ ] document similarity/clustering (?)
- [ ] basic dictionary-based methods e.g. sentiment analysis (?)
- [ ] text classification
- [ ] media frames analysis