In this assignment, we were tasked to take our basic portfolios and recreate them using Bootstrap.
### Assignment Two Instructions (Bootstrap)
1. Inside your `Bootstrap-Portfolio` repo, create `index.html`, `portfolio.html` and `contact.html`.
2. Use Bootstrap CSS to recreate the portfolio you built last week. Your Bootstrap solution should _not_ make explicit use of media queries.
3. Deploy your new Bootstrap-powered portfolio to Github Pages.
### Submitting Your Work on [](
1. Submit the GitHub links to your portfolio repositories on GitHub.
2. Submit the link to your (Github Pages) deployed site in the same input field.
* Incorporate CSS animations in your portfolio. [More info here](
## Copyright
Coding Boot Camp (C) 2016. All Rights Reserved.
The project was deployed to GitHub pages as: Bootstrap-Portfolio.
The source code is located here.
Find me on: GitHub Portfolio: Flowmar Connect with me on LinkedIn