is a simple face detector for batch processing. It answers the
basic question: "Is there a face in this image?" and gives back either an exit
code or the coordinates of each detected face in the standard output.
The aim is to provide a basic command-line interface that's consistent and easy to use with software such as ImageMagick_, while progressively improving the detection algorithm over time.
is used in software such as fgallery_ to improve the thumbnail
cutting region, so that faces are always centered.
By default facedetect
outputs the rectangles of all the detected faces::
./facedetect path/to/image.jpg
289 139 56 56
295 283 55 55
The output values are the X Y coordinates (from the top-left corner),
followed by width and height. For debugging, you can examine the face positions
directly overlaid on the source image using the -o
./facedetect -o test.jpg path/to/image.jpg
To simply check if an image contains a face, use the -q
switch and check
the exit status::
./facedetect -q path/to/image.jpg
echo $?
An exit status of 0 indicates the presence of at least one face. An exit status of 2 means that no face could be detected (1 is reserved for failures).
The --center
flag also exists for scripting convenience, and simply outputs
the X Y coordinates of face centers::
./facedetect --center path/to/image.jpg
317 167
322 310
The --biggest
flag only outputs the biggest face in the image, while
will attempt to select the face in focus and/or in the center of the
.. figure:: doc/biggest-best.jpg
:align: center
Comparison between ``--best`` (top) and ``--biggest`` (bottom). The
chosen face is highlighted in yellow.
Unless DOF or motion blur is used effectively by the photographer to separate
the subject, --biggest
would in most cases select the same face as
, while being significantly faster to compute.
The following example sorts pictures into two different "landscape" and "people" directories using the exit code::
for file in path/to/pictures/*.jpg; do
name=$(basename "$file")
if facedetect -q "$file"; then
mv "$file" "path/to/people/$name"
mv "$file" "path/to/landscape/$name"
The following example uses the coordinates from facedetect
to pixelate the
faces in all the source images using mogrify
(from ImageMagick_)::
for file in path/to/pictures/*.jpg; do
name=$(basename "$file")
cp "$file" "$out"
facedetect "$file" | while read x y w h; do
mogrify -gravity NorthWest -region "${w}x${h}+${x}+${y}" \
-scale '10%' -scale '1000%' "$out"
Here mogrify
is called for each output line of facedetect
(which is
sub-optimal), modifying the file in-place.
The following example uses convert
from ImageMagick_ to extract each
face in each source image img.jpg
to a separated image img_N.jpg
for file in path/to/pictures/*.jpg; do
name=$(basename "$file")
facedetect "$file" | while read x y w h; do
convert "$file" -crop ${w}x${h}+${x}+${y} "path/to/faces/${name%.*}_${i}.${name##*.}"
has some naïve support to search for a specific face as supplied
with the -s
file argument. The file provided must be an image containing
preferably a single face. facedetect
will then compare all faces against
it, and output only the matches which are above the requested similarity
threshold (30% by default).
When face search is used with -q
(query), and exit status of 0 is only
emitted if there is at least one face matching the requested template.
The similarity threshold can be controlled with --search-threshold
, which
is a value between -100 and 100, with greater values resulting in greater
similarity. The current matching algorithm is based on simple MSSIM which is
far from perfect (see Development status and ideas
The following software is currently required for facedetect
- Python 3 or Python 2.7
- Python OpenCV >= 2.4 (
) - OpenCV data files (
if available, orlibopencv-dev
) - pillow pillow-heif pillow-avif-plugin
On Debian/Ubuntu, you can install all the required dependencies with::
sudo apt-get install python3-opencv opencv-data
and then install facedetect
sudo cp facedetect /usr/local/bin
Currently facedetect
is not much beyond a simple wrapper over the Haar
Cascade classifier of OpenCV and the frontalface_alt2
profile, which
provided the best results in terms of accuracy/detection rate for the general,
real life photos at my disposal.
In terms of speed, the LBP classifier was faster. But while the general theory
states that it should also be more accurate, the lbp_frontalface
didn't provide comparable results, suggesting that additional training is
necessary. If some training dataset is found though, creating an LBP profile
would probably be a better solution especially for the processing speed.
had too many false positives in my tests to be usable.
Using it in combination with haar_eye
(and other face parts) though, to
reduce the false positive rates and/or rank the regions, might be a very good
solution instead.
Both LBP and Haar don't play too well with rotated faces. This is particularly evident with "artistic" portraits shot at an angle. Pre-rotating the image using the information from a Hough transform might boost the detection rate in many cases, and should be relatively straightforward to implement.
Face matching has the interface that user's expect ("find me this face"), but
doesn't work as it should. Faces are currently compared using pairwise MSSIM,
which is a far cry from proper face segmentation. MSSIM will only find faces
that have comparable orientation, expression and lighting conditions. HAAR
features do not provide the positioning accuracy required to perform even the
simplest face segmentation operations, such as inter-eye distance.
Interestingly, computing a score using 1:1 SIFT feature matches performed even
worse than plain MSSIM (not enough granularity in most scenarios). Building a
GUI on top of facedetect to train SVM models (which can then be fed back to
) seems a better way to go given the far greater accuracy, but somehow
deviates from the original intention of unsupervised search.
can be found at https://www.thregr.org/~wavexx/software/facedetect/
| facedetect
is distributed under GPLv2+ (see COPYING) WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
| Copyright(c) 2013-2017 by wave++ "Yuri D'Elia" [email protected].
facedetect's GIT repository is publicly accessible at::
or at https://github.com/wavexx/facedetect
.. _ImageMagick: http://www.imagemagick.org .. _fgallery: https://www.thregr.org/~wavexx/software/fgallery/