A solver for various problems related to the travelling thief problem:
- The travelling thief problem
- The packing while travelling problem
- The travelling while packing problem
- The thief orienteering problem
This code was originally developped for the GECCO 2023 Travelling Thief Problem Competition.
Tree search (dynamic programming) implemented with fontanf/treesearchsolver
-a tree-search
- Exact algorithm, for very small problems (~10 cities)
Local search implemented with the sequencing module from fontanf/localsearchsolver
-a local-search
- Returns very good solutions but only practical for small problems (< 100 cities)
Efficient local search implemented with fontanf/localsearchsolver (but not using the sequecing module)
-a efficient-genetic-local-search
- Returns good solutions for medium problems (< 1000 cities)
Iterative TSP PWT TTP
-a iterative-tsp-pwt-ttp
- Returns good solutions for large problems (< 10000 cities)
Iterative TSP PWT
-a iterative-tsp-pwt
- Quickly returns solutions for very large problems (> 10000 cities)
Dynamic programming
-a dynamic-programming
- Exact algorithm, for small problems
Sequential value correction
-a sequential-value-correction
- Very fast, a few seconds for very large problems
- Works well when the capacity constraint is active
Efficient local search
-a efficient-local-search
- Fast, about a hundred seconds for very large problems
- Works well when the capacity constraint is not active
- Local search implemented with the sequencing module from fontanf/localsearchsolver
-a local-search
Tree search (dynamic programming) implemented with fontanf/treesearchsolver
-a tree-search
- Exact algorithm, for very small problems (~10 cities)
Local search implemented with the sequencing module from fontanf/localsearchsolver
-a local-search
- Returns very good solutions but only practical for small problems (< 100 cities)
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build --config Release --parallel
cmake --install build --config Release --prefix install
Download data:
python3 scripts/download_data.py
./install/bin/travellingthiefsolver_travelling_thief --verbosity-level 1 --input "data/travelling_thief/gecco2023/fnl4461_n4460_bounded-strongly-corr_01.ttp" --algorithm "iterative-tsp-pwt-ttp" --time-limit 600
Travelling thief problem
Number of cities: 4461
Number of items: 4460
Capacity: 387150
Minimum speed: 0.1
Maximum speed: 1
Renting ratio: 1.4
Profit sum: 5.11346e+06
Weight sum: 4258655
Weight ratio: 11
Iterative TSP PWT TTP
T (s) Distance Cost # items Profit Objective Comment
----- -------- ---- ------- ------ --------- -------
0.003 0 0 0 0 0
1.022 185572 323053 1008 581050 257997 initial svc 0
2.031 185527 326869 1021 584950 258081 initial svc 1
2.966 185486 322610 1023 581850 259240 initial svc 2
18.614 185815 320024 1017 580449 260425 initial ttpels
28.648 185986 322604 1018 583649 261045 initial ttpels
52.541 186206 323108 1011 584650 261542 initial ttpels
260.383 185837 322384 1022 584350 261966 iteration 8 (ttpels)
326.622 186310 319930 1020 583243 263313 iteration 16 (ttpels)
Final statistics
Value: 263313
Bound: inf
Absolute optimality gap: inf
Relative optimality gap (%): -nan
Time (s): 600.479
Number of SVC calls: 226
Number of ELS calls: 40
TSP time: 90.7668
PWT time: 14.5937
TTP time: 495.084
Number of vertices: 4461 / 4461 (100%)
Distance: 186310
Travel time: 228521
Renting cost: 319930
Number of items: 1020 / 4460 (22.87%)
Item weight: 387143 / 387150 (99.9982%)
Item profit: 583243
Feasible: 1
Objective: 263313