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Prometheus Exporter for Google Pagespeed Online Metrics

Travis CI


To start the example with the default dashboard (docker-compose required)

$ git clone [email protected]:foomo/pagespeed_exporter.git
$ cd pagespeed_exporter/example
$ docker-compose up -d

After that, the application should be running on localhost:3000 with username admin and password s3cr3t.

The provided dashboard (Pagespeed) will be loaded with data after the first scrape.


The dashboard can be found at grafana

Note: The example dashboard assumes you're fetching all pagespeed categories.

Understanding Metrics

Prometheus exporter for google pagespeed metrics

Building And Running


$ make


To run pagespeed exporter we need to obtain the google api key for the pagespeed. Instructions how to create a key for pagespeed can be found here

pagespeed_exporter <arguments>

$ pagespeed_exporter -api-key {KEY} -targets, -listener :80

Exporter Target Specification

Targets can be configured in either plaintext

Or via JSON which adds additional parameters

// URL can't be invalid
// Strategy can only be mobile/desktop
// If strategy is not specified, both desktop & mobile will be used
// Categories can be any of accessibility/best-practices/performance/pwa/seo
// If categories are not specified, all categories will be used
// Parameters are passed down to google pagespeed api



{"url":"","categories": ["best-practices"]}

Configuration specification in JSON and plain is supported both in command line & prometheus configuration

Exporter configuration

Configuration of targets can be done via docker and via prometheus

Flag Variable Description Default Required
-api-key PAGESPEED_API_KEY sets the google API key used for pagespeed False
-targets PAGESPEED_TARGETS comma separated list of targets to measure False
-categories PAGESPEED_CATEGORIES comma separated list of categories to check accessibility,best-practices,performance,pwa,seo False
-t NONE multi-value target array (check docker comp) False
-listener PAGESPEED_LISTENER sets the listener address for the exporters :9271 False
-parallel PAGESPEED_PARALLEL sets the execution of targets to be parallel false False
-pushGatewayUrl PUSHGATEWAY_URL sets the pushgateway url to send the metrics False
-pushGatewayJob PUSHGATEWAY_JOB sets the pushgateway job name pagespeed_exporter False

Note: google api key is required only if scraping more than 2 targets/second

Note: exporter can be run without targets, and later targets provided via prometheus

Pushing metrics via push gateway

If you don't want to change the prometheus scrape_configs, you can send the metrics using push gateway using a batch job. Just configure the pushgateway url and use the /probe endpoint with query parameter target and the metrics will be send to prometheus.

curl http://localhost:9271/probe?target=

Exporter Target Configuration (VIA PROMETHEUS)

Example configuration with simple and complex values

(Examples can ve found in the example folder)

  - job_name: pagespeed_exporter_probe
      metrics_path: /probe
      # Re-Label configurations so that we can use them
      # to configure the pagespeed exporter
        - source_labels: [__address__]
          target_label: __param_target
        - source_labels: [__param_target]
          target_label: instance
        - target_label: __address__
          replacement: "pagespeed_exporter:9271"
        - targets:
            - '' # Example PLAIN
            - '{"url":"","campaign":"test","locale":"en","source":"source"}'  
            - '{"url":"","strategy":"mobile"}'                    


$ docker run -p "9271:9271" --rm foomo/pagespeed_exporter -api-key {KEY} -t,


$ docker run -p "9271:9271" --rm \
    --env PAGESPEED_CATEGORIES=accessibility,pwa \

Prometheus & Docker Compose

Check out the docker-compose folder


You can install the included Helm chart to your k8s cluster with:

$ helm install helm/pagespeed-exporter

And then, to quickly test it:

$ kubectl get pods
pagespeed-exporter-riotous-dragonfly-6b99955999-hj2kw   1/1     Running   0          1m

$ kubectl exec -ti pagespeed-exporter-riotous-dragonfly-6b99955999-hj2kw -- sh
# apk add curl
# curl localhost:9271/metrics
pagespeed_lighthouse_audit_score{audit="first-contentful-paint",host="",path="/",strategy="mobile"} 1
pagespeed_lighthouse_audit_score{audit="first-contentful-paint",host="",path="/webhp",strategy="desktop"} 1
pagespeed_lighthouse_audit_score{audit="first-contentful-paint",host="",path="/webhp",strategy="mobile"} 1