PHP class to calculate the "Basal Metabolic Rate" using the The Mifflin St Jeor Equation. Supports lb, kg and stone for weight, and feet, inches and cm for height.
The preferred method of installation is via Packagist and Composer. Run the following command to install the package and add it as a requirement to your project's composer.json
composer require footballencarta/bmr
The class is designed to work in a fluent way, so each option needs to be set before calculation
echo (new Footballencarta\BMR())
->heightInFeet(5, 6)
->weightInStone(9, 4)
// Result: 1204
For cm (centimeters), use the function ->heightInMetres($metres, $centimetres)
. This does allow metres to be 0 to allow just centimetres to be passed through
For feet & inches, use the function ->heightInFeet($feet, $inches)
. Feet must be between 3 and 9, and inches must be between 0 and 11.
For kg (kilograms), use the function ->weightInKg($kg)
For lb (pounds), use the function ->weightInLb($lb)
For stone & pounds , use the function ->weightInStone($stone, $lb)
. This does allow stone to be 0 to allow just pounds to be passed through
Unfortunately, the BMR calculation requires a binary gender.
For compatibility, it's suggested to use the BMR::MALE
If you don't want to use the constants, any word beginning with an m
is flagged as male, and anything with an f
is flagged as female.
or ->gender('female')
The age must be greater than 18 for the BMR calculation to work.
You can use ->calculate()
to perform the calculation, which will return your BMR value.
You could also use ->getFormattedBmr()
to provide a 2dp number formatted version.
If there are any validation problems, either a OutOfRangeException
or InvalidArgumentException
will be thrown