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Forrest Guice edited this page Feb 10, 2023 · 29 revisions


Suntimes can perform user-defined actions when a widget is clicked, or when an alarm or notification is shown or dismissed.

To add an action... create an Intent by declaring:

Intent (leave fields empty for an implicit intent)
Action An action string. e.g. android.intent.action.ACTION_VIEW
Class A fully qualified class name (case-sensitive). This must be a complete definition that includes both the package and class name.
The class is required for explicit intents - leave it blank to allow the system to decide which class to launch.
Data A Uri that contains or points to attached data. e.g. geo:30,31. Limited %substitutions are supported. e.g. geo:%lat,%lon
Mime The mime type of attached data (if applicable). Leave blank for most types of data.
Extras An & delimited string containing key-value pairs. Values may be Strings, int, long, double, float, or boolean. Limited %substitutions are supported.
e.g. key1="some string" & key2=1 & key3=1L & key4=1D & key5=1F & key6=true & key7=%dm

An app that displays package info is useful for discovering Activities, which can then be launched with an explicit intent.


Battery Optimization

Suntimes must be not optimized for alarms to work reliably.
Settings > Apps > Suntimes > Battery > Unrestricted

On most devices the optimized setting may delay alarms up to 15 minutes. Other devices may restrict alarms without special configuration.

The following devices are affected: Asus, Blackview, Huawei, LENOVO, Meizu, OnePlus, OPPO, realme, Samsung, Sony, Unihertz, Vivo, WIKO, and Xiaomi. Check for solutions.

Notification Settings

Notifications must be enabled for alarms to display correctly.
Settings > Apps > Suntimes > Notifications > Show Notifications

Data Sources

Suntimes uses third-party libraries to perform astronomical calculations.

The data source settings allow for choosing between different libraries (or choosing between different algorithms offered by those libraries). These are advanced settings that affect the speed and accuracy of calculations, and may limit which features are available.

Available Data Sources

Library Description
sunrisesunsetlib Not Recommended Somewhat inaccurate and sometimes buggy. Does not support altitude, seconds-based calculation, solstice, equinox, or sun position. Based on "Almanac for Computers" by the USNO.
ca.rmen.sunrisesunset Partially Recommended Similar to sunrisesunsetlib but with reasonable precision. Does not support altitude, solstice, equinox, or sun position. Based on the algorithms published by NOAA.
time4a-simple Not Recommended Somewhat inaccurate. Does not support altitude. Based on "Almanac for Computers" by the USNO.
time4a-noaa Partially Recommended Same algorithm used by ca.rmen.sunrisesunset with reasonable precision. Does not support altitude. Based on the algorithms published by NOAA.
time4a-cc Recommended Good precision taking the altitude of locations into account. Based on "Calendrical Calculations" by Dershowitz/Reingold. Supports all features.
time4a-time4j Recommended Default Best precision taking the altitude of locations, the elliptic shape of the earth and typical weather conditions into account. Based on "Astronomical Algorithm" by Jean Meeus. Supports all features.

A few important details:

  • Do not expect precision better than minutes.
    The app hides seconds by default (but this can be enabled).
  • The precision of the USNO and NOAA algorithms tends to be very inaccurate in polar regions.
  • The time4j and cc algorithms may differ substantially (up to 10 minutes) from algorithms that do not account for altitude.
  • One difference between the time4j and cc algorithms is that cc only assumes the altitude of the observer by an approximated geodetic model, while time4j does it using a spheroid (WGS84) and the assumption of a standard atmosphere (for refraction).
  • None of these algorithms are able to account for local topology (a mountain directly in front of you), or deviating local weather conditions.

Adding Data Sources

The app can be extended to add additional data sources by implementing the SuntimesCalculator interface.

Data Substitutions

Suntimes supports limited %substitutions, a set of tags that are replaced with values from the data set.
Substitutions may be used within widget title text, or within action data or extras.


  • %t for time zone (id) (e.g. US/Arizona)
  • %d for formatted date (e.g. February 12)
  • %dd for day (short) (e.g. Mon)
  • %dD for day (long) (e.g. Monday)
  • %dY for year (e.g. 2018)
  • %dt for formatted time (of last update)
  • %dT for formatted time with seconds (of last update)
  • %dm for time in milliseconds (of last update)
  • %eot for formatted 'equation of time' (of last update)
  • %eot_m for 'equation of time' milliseconds (of last update)


  • %loc for label (e.g. Phoenix)
  • %lat for latitude
  • %lon for longitude
  • %lel for elevation (e.g. 385 meters)


  • %s for data source (e.g. sunrisesunsetlib)
  • %id for appWidgetID

Sun Widgets:

  • %m for mode (short) (e.g. Civil)
  • %M for mode (long) (e.g. Civil Twilight)
  • %o for order (e.g. Last/Next, Today)
  • %em@<event> event milliseconds
  • %et@<event> event formatted time
  • %eT@<event> event formatted time (with seconds)
  • %eA@<event> event altitude
  • %eZ@<event> event azimuth
  • %eD@<event> event declination
  • %eR@<event> event right ascension

where <event> is:

Sun Widgets Sun Position Widgets
rising sr
setting ss
noon sn
rising setting
civil twilight cr cs
nautical twilight nr ns
astronomical twilight ar as
blue hour 4deg b4r b4s
blue hour 8deg b8r b8s
golden hour gr gs

Moon Widgets:

  • %i for moon illumination (e.g. 25%)
  • %M for moon phase (e.g. Waxing Crescent)
  • %o for order (e.g. Last/Next, Today)

Solstice Widgets:

  • %m for mode (short) (e.g. Solstice)
  • %M for mode (long) (e.g. Winter Solstice)
  • %o for order (e.g. Closest Event, Upcoming Event)


%loc, %M, or %t can be used to include the location name, event name, or time zone as part of a widget's title.

%dm and %em@<event> can be used to pass time (milliseconds) as part of an action; e.g. uri content:// opens the calendar app.

%lat and %lon can be used to pass the location as part of an action; e.g. uri geo:%lat,%lon opens the map app.

World Map

Suntimes can be configured to display a custom world map background.

Download Backgrounds

Projection Map Backgrounds (click for full-size image)
Equidistant Rectangular world_topo_bathy_eqc_1024 land_shallow_topo_eqc_1024 eo_base_2020_eqc_1024
Equidistant Azimuthal world_topo_bathy_aeqd_90,0 world_topo_bathy_aeqd_-90,0 world_topo_bathy_aeqd_33,-111 basic_map_aeqd_30,31 world_topo_bathy_aeqd_30,31

Made with Natural Earth.

NASA Earth Observatory. Blue Marble: Next Generation.

To use backgrounds... Save full-sized images somewhere on your device, then open with Set background. Suntimes uses URI permissions to access images stored on the sdcard.

Creating Backgrounds

  • The background image should be a png or jpeg, with recommended dimensions 1024 x 512 or 1024 x 1024 or greater (will be scaled to fit the screen).
  • The default maps use vector data from Natural Earth, and raster data from Blue Marble: Next Generation.
  • The default maps use a white foreground (landmasses), and transparent background (ocean). The final coloring is determined by the app's theme.
  • The graticule and other markings are drawn behind the background image (requires transparency).
  • The background image must have the appropriate map projection, center, and aspect ratio to align correctly.
World Map Aspect Projection Center proj4
Basic 2:1 Equidistant Rectangular [0,0] +proj=eqc +lat_ts=0 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007 +b=6371007 +units=m +no_defs
Polar [north] 1:1 Equidistant Azimuthal [90,0] +proj=aeqd +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
Polar [south] 1:1 Equidistant Azimuthal [-90,0] +proj=aeqd +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
Azimuthal Equidistant 1:1 Equidistant Azimuthal [LAT,LON] +proj=aeqd +lat_0=LAT +lon_0=LON +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371000 +b=6371000 +units=m +no_defs" where LAT and LON define the center of the projection.

A GIS application (e.g. QGIS) can be used to create new map backgrounds. The map data needs to be re-projected or warped (see proj4 definitions), and exported to an image with the appropriate aspect ratio. The final image should be optimized to reduce its size (e.g. pngquant).