tool for foxpage
The root level command is foxpage
# see version
foxpage -v
# get help
foxpage -h
The secondary level command is cmpt
and server
: Component-related, including component resource building, component creation, component template maintenance, creating componentized projectsserver
: System level project related. Currently includes pulling and installing all system-level items, but more functionality will be added in the future
An instruction tool that handles component-related processes. Include build
, project
, package
foxpage-cmpt build
: Building component resources, Detailed build parameters can be viewedfoxpage-cmpt build -h
foxpage-cmpt project
: Create a componentized project. Used with commandfoxpage-cmpt project my-project
foxpage-cmpt package
: Currently, only the new component function is included. The following functions may be expanded according to user requirements, Used with commandfoxpage-cpmt project new
foxpage-cmpt -h
# Usage: foxpage-cmpt [options] [command]
# foxpage-component tool
# Options:
# -h, --help display help for command
# Commands:
# project <name> create a new foxpage-component-[name] project
# build foxpage component tool, build for foxpage component
# package <commander> foxpage component package tool
# help [command] display help for command
Resource builds of components.
Resources in the /dist
directory are registered for the FoxPage platform
Resources in the /es
and /lib
directory are used for NPM repository publishing component package resources
Command option details:
foxpage-cmpt build -h
# Usage: foxpage-cmpt build [options]
# Options:
# -F, --foxpage Build umd for foxpage
# -FR, --foxpage-root Build umd for foxpage in root
# -L, --lib Build lib(cjs) for npm
# -E, --es-module Build es(es-module) for npm
# -S, --schema-md Build schema.md to describe the api of component
# --clean Clean dist directory (default: true)
# --no-clean Set --clean to false
# --assets-hash Build files in assets using the WebPack Contenthash parameter
# --debug Debug: some temp file or data will be retained
# --root-cache Cache <root>/dist directory for all package (default: true)
# --no-root-cache Set --root-cache to false
# --npm-client <npmClient> Executable used to run scripts (npm, yarn, ...). (default: "npm")
# --concurrency <concurrency> Number of concurrently pending subprocess(default: Max(os.cpus().length - 1, 2)) (default: 3)
# --modes <modes> Build modes, includes: "production,debug,node,editor", split by ",", (only support --foxpage)
# --file-hash Build all files using the WebPack Contenthash parameter
# --progress-plugin Use webpack.ProgressPlugin when webpack build
# --analyze Analyze build result. can be used with "--package-dir" (run on the "<root>/"), (only support --foxpage) (default: false)
# --zip-fox Automatically compress build resources for the FoxPage component registration process, (only support --foxpage)
# --no-zip-fox Set --zip to false
# --babel-options <babelOptions> Customer babel cli options, (only support --es/lib)
# --ts-declaration Generate typescript declaration (*.d.ts), (only support --es/lib) (default: true)
# --no-ts-declaration Set --ts-declaration to false
# --css-style build style from index.(less/scss) to index.css. please used with --remove-style-import. mode name is style. (only support --es/lib)
# --remove-style-import Remove style import for all ".js" file. It's usually used with --css-style. (only support --es/lib)
# --import-index-css When use --remove-style-import, add "import './index.css'" in root index.js, (only support --es/lib)
# -h, --help display help for command
Create a component development project.
For example, create a component project called foxpage-component-trip-sales
as follows:
foxpage-cmpt project trip-sales
Command option details:
foxpage-cmpt project -h
# Usage: foxpage-cmpt project [options] <name>
# Options:
# -h, --help display help for command
Command option details:
foxpage-cmpt package -h
# Usage: foxpage-cmpt package [options] [command]
# foxpage component package tools
# Options:
# -h, --help display help for command
# Commands:
# new create a new component
# help [command] display help for command
foxpage-cmpt package new -h
# Usage: foxpage-cmpt-package-new [options]
# Options:
# --templates <templateDir> templates dir location. you can select subfolders to determine the path of the template
# --template <templateDir> template dir location
# --formate formate code after create
# -h, --help display help for command
Command option details:
foxpage-server -h
# Usage: foxpage-server <command> [options]
# foxpage server tool
# Options:
# -h, --help display help for command
# Commands:
# fetch pull project
# install install dependencies
# help [command] display help for command
Pull all projects that need to be started or deployed:
foxpage-server fetch
Install dependencies for all projects:
foxpage-server install