Foxpage is a lightweight front-end low-code framework.
Foxpage Component Framework is a front-end Framework for componentization and integration of Component development, build, and release processes.
English | 简体中文
<Project Root>
├── packages
| ├─ eslint-config-foxpage-component // eslint config
| ├─ foxpage-component-babel-preset // babel config
| ├─ foxpage-component-jest-preset // jest config
| ├─ foxpage-component-storybook-addon // storybook addon
| ├─ foxpage-component-storybook-preset // storybook preset
| ├─ foxpage-component-webpack // webpack config
| ├─ foxpage-component-context // runtime context, data store
| ├─ foxpage-component-editor-context // editor runtime context, data store
| ├─ foxpage-component-editor-storybook-addon // storybook addon for editor
| ├─ foxpage-component-editor-widgets // editor widgets
| ├─ foxpage-component-shared // common js
- (Use yarn to install the Foxpage (recommended). Install yarn with these docs.)
$ yarn boot
$ lerna run build
$ yarn start
Please read our Contributing Guide before submitting a Pull Request to the project.
See our documentation live Docs for the Foxpage Server.