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Frontend configuration

msune edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 16 revisions


The following manual assumes that installation of the whole software stack has been taken place according to the installation manual.

##Adding OpenFlow Aggregate Manager in Expedient Check Opt-in Manager instance is up and running and configured as explained in the previous section.

Make sure Optin Manager has connectivity with Flowvisor and that authentication between Flowvisor and Optin Manager is correctly set before proceeding. If Optin Manager is unable to contact Flowvisor, topology will not be imported into the GUI. Re-update the AM in Expedient to refresh/import the topology.

From Administration page in the Expedient Dashboard select OpenFlow Aggregate from the Aggregate Type list and click in Add Aggregate

Important parameters:

  • Username: Clearinghouse user set in Opt-in Manager in previous section
  • Password: Clearinghouse password set in Opt-in Manager in previous section
  • Server URL: URL of the Opt-in Manager's XMLRPC interface. It should be https://DOMAIN_NAME:PORT/xmlrpc/xmlrpc/. Notice that DOMAIN_NAME can be an IP address as long as it matches the certificate's Common Name of the server where Opt-in Manager is running.

Adding Virtualization Aggregate Manager in Expedient

From Administration page in the Expedient Dashboard select Virtualization Aggregate from the Aggregate Type list and click in Add Aggregate

Important parameters:

  • Username: ROOT_USERNAME set in the Virtualization Aggregate Manager settings during installation
  • Password: ROOT_PASSWORD set in the Virtualization Aggregate Manager settings during installation
  • Server URL: URL of the Virtualization Aggregate Manager's XMLRPC interface is exporting to the Expedient. It should be https://DOMAIN_NAME:PORT/xmlrpc/plugin. Notice that DOMAIN_NAME can be an IP address as long as it matches the certificate's Common Name of the server where VT AM is running. Default port is 8445
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