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Frontend configuration

Carolina Fernández edited this page May 13, 2013 · 16 revisions

Home > Installation and configuration manuals > Frontend configuration

**Disclaimer:**The following configuration manual assumes that installation of the whole software has been done according to the installation manual. configuration options (common)

###General parameters

FLAG Values Comments
ISLAND_NAME String Island/testbed name. Shown on the upper right corner of the Web frontend
SITE_DOMAIN String Expedient host domain name

###Root (Island Manager) account information

FLAG Values Comments
ROOT_USERNAME String Expedient's root username
ROOT_PASSWORD String Expedient's root password
ROOT_EMAIL String Expedient's root email. This mail will be used to send notifications

###Database parameters

FLAG Values Comments
DATABASE_USER String MySQL username
DATABASE_HOST String MySQL host (e.g.
DATABASE_NAME String Expedient database name.

###LDAP support

FLAG Values Comments
ENABLE_LDAP_BACKEND True/False Enable LDAP Backend for user authentication in coexistance or not with the MySQL users. Requires AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD and AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN to be correctly setup
AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN String LDAP BIND DN. Example AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN="uid=changeme,ou=admins,dc=fp7-ofelia,dc=eu"
LDAP_STORE_PROJECTS True/False Enable LDAP project member group storage (to be used for instance by VM module). For non-OFELIA we recommend to set it to False
ALLOW_LOCAL_REGISTRATION True/False Disables local (MySQL) user registration mechanism, usually to force users to use LDAP registration mechanisms and/or to temporally limit user registration. configuration options

When setting your own LDAP server you should also take a look to the defaultsettings/ file and update it accordingly. Some values are as follows:

FLAG Values Comments
AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI String The URI for your LDAP server. You may use a normal IP, a registered domain or use your own identifying string (setting the equivalence under /etc/hosts). Example: AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = "ldap://"
AUTH_LDAP_USER_SEARCH LDAPSearch with DN Triplet that defines:
  1. LDAP path (DN) to search within (e.g. "ou=users,dc=your-organization,dc=eu")
  2. search scope
  3. filter to look for each user (e.g. "(uid=%(user)s)")

GUI procedures

Login as root user to the frontend to perform administrative operations.

Adding OpenFlow Aggregate Manager in Expedient

Check Opt-in Manager instance is up and running and configured as explained in Optin configuration manual.

Make sure Optin Manager has connectivity with Flowvisor and that authentication between Flowvisor and Optin Manager is correctly set before proceeding. If Optin Manager is unable to contact Flowvisor, topology will not be imported into the GUI. Re-update the AM in Expedient to refresh/import the topology.

From Administration page in the Expedient Dashboard select OpenFlow Aggregate from the Aggregate Type list and click in Add Aggregate

Important parameters:

  • Username: Clearinghouse user set in Opt-in Manager in previous section
  • Password: Clearinghouse password set in Opt-in Manager in previous section
  • Server URL: URL of the Opt-in Manager's XMLRPC interface. It should be https://DOMAIN_NAME:PORT/xmlrpc/xmlrpc/. Notice that DOMAIN_NAME can be an IP address as long as it matches the certificate's Common Name of the server where Opt-in Manager is running.

Adding Virtualization Aggregate Manager in Expedient

From Administration page in the Expedient Dashboard select Virtualization Aggregate from the Aggregate Type list and click in Add Aggregate

Important parameters:

  • Username: ROOT_USERNAME set in the VM Aggregate Manager settings during installation
  • Password: ROOT_PASSWORD set in the VM Aggregate Manager settings during installation
  • Server URL: URL of the VM Aggregate Manager's XMLRPC interface is exporting to the Expedient. It should be https://DOMAIN_NAME:PORT/xmlrpc/plugin. Notice that DOMAIN_NAME can be an IP address as long as it matches the certificate's Common Name of the server where VM AM is running. Default port is 8445
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