Version 3.1.0 is a reactive and a multiplatform
version of fmodel
libraries optimized for Event sourcing, CQRS, and Domain Modeling.
- https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.fraktalio.fmodel/domain/3.1.0/jar
- https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.fraktalio.fmodel/application-vanilla/3.1.0/jar
- https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.fraktalio.fmodel/application-arrow/3.1.0/jar
Experimental Actors (JVM only)
* Extension function - Handles the flow of command messages of type [C] by concurrently distributing the load across finite number of actors/handlers
* @param commands [Flow] of Command messages of type [C]
* @param numberOfActors total number of actors/workers available for distributing the load
* @param actorsCapacity capacity of the actors channel's buffer
* @param actorsStart actors coroutine start option
* @param actorsContext additional to [CoroutineScope.coroutineContext] context of the actor coroutines.
* @param partitionKey a function that calculates the partition key/routing key of command - commands with the same partition key will be handled wit the same actor to keep the ordering
* @return [Flow] of stored Events of type [E]
* @author Иван Дугалић / Ivan Dugalic / @idugalic
fun <C, S, E> EventSourcingAggregate<C, S, E>.handleConcurrently(
commands: Flow<C>,
numberOfActors: Int = 100,
actorsCapacity: Int = Channel.BUFFERED,
actorsStart: CoroutineStart = CoroutineStart.LAZY,
actorsContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
partitionKey: (C) -> Int
): Flow<E> = channelFlow {
val actors: List<SendChannel<C>> = (1..numberOfActors).map {
commandActor(channel, actorsCapacity, actorsStart, actorsContext) { handle(it) }
.onCompletion {
actors.forEach {
.collect {
val partition = partitionKey(it).absoluteValue % numberOfActors.coerceAtLeast(1)
Arrow new Effect system
suspend fun C.fetchStateWithEffect(): Effect<Error, S?> =
effect {
try {
} catch (t: Throwable) {
shift(FetchingStateFailed(this@fetchStateWithEffect, t.nonFatalOrThrow()))
What's Changed
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #61
- Update plugin dokka to v1.6.10 by @renovate in #62
- Update io.kotest to v5.1.0 by @renovate in #63
- Update gradle/gradle-build-action action to v2.1.1 by @renovate in #66
- Update gradle/gradle-build-action action to v2.1.2 by @renovate in #67
- Update gradle/gradle-build-action action to v2.1.3 by @renovate in #68
- Update dependency gradle to v7.4 by @renovate in #69
- Kotlin Actors (experimental) - concurrently handling messages by @idugalic in #70
- Update actions/setup-java action to v3 by @renovate in #73
- Update actions/checkout action by @renovate in #74
- Update actions/upload-artifact action to v3 by @renovate in #75
- Update dependency gradle to v7.4.1 by @renovate in #77
- Update io.kotest to v5.2.1 by @renovate in #78
- Update gradle/gradle-build-action action to v2.1.4 by @renovate in #80
- Update gradle/gradle-build-action action to v2.1.5 by @renovate in #82
- Update plugin kotlin-multiplatform to v1.6.20 by @renovate in #85
- Update dependency gradle to v7.4.2 by @renovate in #83
- Update actions/setup-java action to v3.1.0 by @renovate in #84
- Update io.kotest to v5.2.3 by @renovate in #89
- Update actions/setup-java action to v3.1.1 by @renovate in #90
- Update plugin dokka to v1.6.20 by @renovate in #91
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core to v1.6.1 by @renovate in #86
- Update actions/checkout action to v3.0.2 by @renovate in #92
- Update plugin kotlin-multiplatform to v1.6.21 by @renovate in #93
- Update dependency io.arrow-kt:arrow-core to v1.1.2 by @renovate in #94
- Update plugin dokka to v1.6.21 by @renovate in #96
- Update actions/setup-java action to v3.2.0 by @renovate in #97
- Update kotest to v5.3.0 by @renovate in #101
- Update actions/setup-java action to v3.3.0 by @renovate in #100
- Update gradle/gradle-build-action action to v2.1.7 by @renovate in #102
- Update actions/upload-artifact action to v3.1.0 by @renovate in #103
- Arrow (from
) by @idugalic in #95
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0