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Clojars Project

Boot Marginalia

Boot plugin for marginalia



boot -d it.frbracch/boot-marginalia marginalia target

NOTE: boot versions prior to 2.5.0 implicitely create the target directory.

In this case do not add the target task (i.e. boot -d it.frbracch/boot-marginalia marginalia)


Add boot-marginalia to your build.boot dependencies and require the namespace it.frbracch.boot-marginalia

(set-env! :dependencies '[
  [it.frbracch/boot-marginalia "0.1.3-1" :scope "test"]

  '[it.frbracch.boot-marginalia :refer [marginalia]])

For the complete options list, type boot marginalia -h

The resulting html file is placed in docs/uberdoc.html.

NOTE: the fileset containing the document is passed through the rest of the task pipeline, therefore it is not readily present in the project root. Another task (e.g. target) should be used.


Copyright © 2015 Francesco Bracchi

Licensed under Eclipse Public License.