Time: Monday and Wednesday 9:00AM – 10:00AM, Location: Room PY286 - Psychology Building, 1101 E 10th St Bloomington IN 47405
Franco Pestilli, PhD, [email protected], Office hours: MW 1-2PM Location: PY359
Suyog Chandramouli, [email protected] Office hours: Friday 9-10AM Location: Student Commons on the 3rd floor. Please e-mail Suyog to give him a heads up by e-mail before visiting.
“If you use stats you have designed a bad experiment.” Hubel and Wiesel, 1981 Nobel Prize Winners.
This course will introduce statistical principles widely used in the behavioral, social, psychological and brain sciences. The course will both introduce concepts and provide MatLab tutorials that will help translating the concepts into practice. There will be both lectures to introduce the theory behind statistical principles and tutorials to learn how to implement the principles written in MATLAB. Topics will include experimental design, descriptive statistics such as the histogram, average, standard deviation, correlation, regression, the root mean square error, plotting and data visualization, probability, standard error, error-bars, confidence intervals, accuracy, reliability, bootstrap, cross-validation. The course will focus on non-parametric computational approaches.
This repository contains MatLab tutorials and examples for Class K310 Spring 2014, University of Indiana Bloomington