Code and documentation for 2019-2024 club robot.
The current robot is living at Arch Reactor in St. Louis, MO (
For more information on our project check out our forum at
To see the todo list follow this link.
Our website is at
These instructions assume you are installing from a linux computer. And that you are on the same network as your robot.
Ansible is used to install and update software on the robot. You must have it installed on your workstation and be able to ssh into the robot from your workstation before continuing. /ansible/production --> Has hostname and ip address of the robot /ansible/robot.yml --> Playbook for robot software /ansible/ssh.yml --> Installs ssh keys for user "robomo" /ansible/files/ssh_keys --> Public and private keys for user "robomo"
Run this command to install or update the robot
cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i production ssh.yml -Kk
ansible-playbook -i production robot.yml
*Do not follow these instructions if your robot is in production or is accessible from the internet. This is for convenience in a shared project.
First copy the ssh key and fix the file permissions.
cp ./ansible/files/ssh_keys/robot_id_rsa ~/.ssh/
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/robot_id_rsa
Then edit the file ~/.ssh/config (create if it doesn't exist). Add the following lines to the file replacing <IP_OF_JETSON_NANO> with the address of the Jetson nano or whatever computer you use. Or use if you are installing on the local system.
Host robot
User robot
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/robot_id_rsa
Then you should be able to ssh into the nano with out a password and run sudo commands. If not fix it.
ssh robot
docker run -it \
--network="host" \
--pid="host" \
--ipc="host" \
docker run -it \
--network="host" \
--pid="host" \
--ipc="host" \
docker run -it \
--network="host" \
--pid="host" \
--ipc="host" \
Mark Moran
Joshua Frank