Using MAMP or WAMP, link your localhost to the folder the_REST_test.
Go to phpMyadmin and create a database called the_REST_test
and upload the database file restTest.sql.
Inside of phpMyAdmin create a user with the following credientials:
User name: Frank Host name: localhost Password: sleepisrestful
After entering those values next to the Global Privileges click the check all button and press Go.
Once that is all set up go to localhost:8888/wp-admin to log into the wordpress instance. Login credentials for the wordpress are as follows:
Username: frank Password: theheadlesswordpress
Once logged into Wordpress navigate in terminal to the directory wp-api-react. From within that directory run npm start. The project should then be up and running on localhost:8080.
Inside of Wordpress navigate to pages and click on one. From within the pages you can edit/change content. Upon pressing update simply refresh localhost:8080 to see the changes take place!