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Weighted-runs (SQUARES) statistic

This project contains a mathematica and a C++ implementation of the cumulative distribution function of the weighted-runs statistic originally defined in

Frederik Beaujean and Allen Caldwell. A Test Statistic for Weighted Runs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141, no. 11 (November 2011): 3437–46. doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2011.04.022 arXiv:1005.3233

We derived an approximation to be able to compute the cumulative also for large number of observations in

Frederik Beaujean and Allen Caldwell. Is the bump significant? An axion-search example arXiv:1710.06642

where we renamed the weighted-runs statistic to the SQUARES statistic.


The reference implementation is in the mathematica package RunsWeightedPackage. To use it from a mathematica notebook, download the package to a directory /package/dir on your computer and do


All exported commands in the package are accessible via


The most important commands to compute the p value for the runs statistic are

(* compute the p value using the exact expression that involves summing over integer partitions *)
n = 10
pValueRuns[3.3, n]

(* use Monte Carlo experiments to approximate the p value. Much faster for n > 80 than the exact expression *)
n = 500
pValueRunsMC[35.3, n]

(* calculate the runs statistic from a list of values interpreted as independent samples from a standard normal distribution *)



The code features a standalone implementation of generating all integer partitions of n in the multiplicity representation based on the pseudocode of Algorithm Z in

A. Zoghbi: Algorithms for generating integer partitions, Ottawa (1993),

I made the necessary modifications to partition n into exactly k parts as well. Some simple examples

#include <partitions.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace partitions;

// print all partitions of 6 into any number of parts
for (PartitionGenerator gen(6); gen; ++gen)
    std::cout << *gen << std::endl;

// print all partitions of 6 into 3 parts
for (KPartitionGenerator gen(6, 3); gen; ++gen)
    std::cout << *gen << std::endl;

gen is an iterator to a Partition and permits visiting all partitions while keeping memory allocations to a minimum. A Partition is essentially a triple c, y, h (in Zoghbi's notation) where

n = \sum_{i=1}^h c_i * y_i
  • c = Partition::mult() refers to a vector with the multiplicities,
  • y = Partition::parts() refers to a vector with distinct parts,
  • h = Partition::distinct_parts() refers to the number of distinct parts.

To reduce the memory allocations, the generator updates the partition in place and the vectors c,y are long enough to hold the partition with the maximum number of parts and a buffer element. For example, the first partition of 6 into 3 parts is

6 = 4+1+1
  = 2*1 + 1*4

In the code, this becomes

h == 2

c[1] == 2
y[1] == 1

c[2] == 1
y[2] == 4

Ignore the first element c[0], y[0] and do not read beyond c[h],y[h]!

SQUARES statistic

Tobs denotes the value of the SQUARES test statistic; i.e., the largest \chi^2 of any run of consecutive successes (above expectation) in a sequence of N independent trials with Gaussian uncertainty. Then the cumulative distribution P(T < Tobs | N) and the p value P(T >= Tobs| N) are available as

include "squares.h"

squares::cumulative(Tobs, N);
squares::pvalue(Tobs, N);

openMP helps as the speed-up of evaluating squares::cumulative for large N>50 scales linearly with the number of physical cores and even benefits from hyperthreading.

split runs

For large N, the number of terms in the exact expressions scales like exp(N^1/2)/N and quickly grows too large. We implement an approximate formula for n*N, where for example N = 100 is computed exactly and n may be 1 or >> N and need not even be an integer.

#include "squares_approx.h"

squares::approx_cumulative(Tobs, N, n);
squares::approx_pvalue(Tobs, N, n);

The approximation involves a 1D numerical integration whose relative and absolute target precision can be set as additional arguments, for example

approx_cumulative(Tobs, N, n, epsrel, epsabs)

For the exact meaning of these parameters consult the GSL manual.

build instructions

cmake, c++11, and GSL are required. OpenMP is optional but recommended.

google test is needed for the tests and downloaded automatically when building the first time.

git clone
cd runs
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 ./runs_test

To specify where the library and headers should be installed, use

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/runs ..

To install

make install

To link to this in your own code, just link to the library and include the headers from whereever you chose to install them. For example if you installed to /tmp/runs/, compile, link, and run your code in runstest.cxx

#include "squares.h"
#include <iostream>

int main()
    double Tobs = 3.3;
    unsigned N = 10;
    std::cout << "F(Tobs = " << Tobs << " | N = " << N << ") = "
              << squares::cumulative(Tobs, N) << std::endl;

    return 0;

like this

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/runs/lib/

# with openmp: gcc >= 4.2, clang >= 3.8
g++ -fopenmp runstest.cxx -I/tmp/runs/include -L/tmp/runs/lib -lruns -lgsl -lblas && ./a.out

# without openmp: usually on a mac
g++ runstest.cxx -I/tmp/runs/include -L/tmp/runs/lib -lruns -lgsl -lblas && ./a.out


In the build directory, call


To select individual tests

./runs_test --gtest_filter='splitruns.*'

Help on available options

build/runs_test -h

strong scaling

The C++ implementation of squares::cumulative and thus squares::pvalue benefits from hyperthreading. On an Intel Core i7-4770 with four cores and a maximum frequency of 3.4 GHz with gcc 5.4 and release mode, we observed the following run times for the unit test OMP_NUM_THREADS=n ./runs_test --gtest_filter=splitruns.paper_timing that computes squares::pvalue(T, N=96)

n time / ms speed up
1 9400 1
2 4750 2
4 2450 3.8
8 1750 5.4

This is a nice example where hyperthreading brings a noticeable improvement beyond the number of physical cores.


If you use this code in an academic setting, please cite these references.

title={A test statistic for weighted runs},
author={Beaujean, Frederik and Caldwell, Allen},
journal={Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference},
  author         = "Beaujean, Frederik and Caldwell, Allen and Reimann, Olaf",
  title          = "{Is the bump significant? An axion-search example}",
  year           = "2017",
  eprint         = "1710.06642",
  archivePrefix  = "arXiv",
  primaryClass   = "hep-ex",
  SLACcitation   = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1710.06642;%%"



The code is released under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file. It comes bundled with parts of the cubature package that is under the GPLv3.