This Spring Boot / GWT project is a proof of concept that stores in the Browser Local Storage some App Engine Objectify Entities.
Live demo:
It uses:
- GWT (Google Web Toolkit)
- REST/JSON service with shared JAX-RS 2.1 interface
- server: Spring Boot with Resteasy as JAX-RS Application
- client RestyGWT
- GWT Logging
- GAE (Google App Engine)
- Objectify
- GWT HTML5 Storage
- Bean Validation
- Guava (& Guava GWT)
It uses tbroyer/gwt-maven-plugin and follows tbroyer/gwt-maven-archetypes recommended project structure.
To use it in prod mode:
- in /gwt-storage-objectify/ ➜
mvn clean install
(only one time) - in /gwt-storage-objectify/gwt-storage-objectify-server/ ➜
mvn appengine:devserver
- then open your browser at http://localhost:8888/
To use it in dev mode:
- in /gwt-storage-objectify/ ➜
mvn install -pl gwt-storage-objectify-shared -am
(only one time) - in /gwt-storage-objectify/gwt-storage-objectify-server/ ➜
mvn appengine:devserver -Denv=dev -am
- in /gwt-storage-objectify/gwt-storage-objectify-client/ ➜
mvn gwt:codeserver -am
- then open your browser at http://localhost:8888/