Live Project:
This project was first started around 2014. At that time I used Hacker News on my phone to read articles. It was often frustrating as the site was not designed to adapt to smaller screens (although it now appears to be).
At first I scraped the site, that kinda worked, but was hard to maintain. The current version gets it's data from two APIs (see credits).
Designed to be simple, in an easy to read view, suitable for small screens and mobile devices. Just the articles and comments.
This is not a full like for like copy of Hacker News. Just the top 60 articles and the relevant comments are available. No accounts or anything functional is provided. Just a static page.
Mainly as I use this site in a browser with JavaScript disabled (I am more interested in reading the content). So it is quick to load and use.
Previously I included the cron tasks that I ran to gather the data from various API endpoints (see credits). I believe this was a mistake as it opened up security issues. I have now removed them, and those tasks are handled by a third party service.
Original content: Hacker News Hacker News API: Hacker News (unofficial) API: