These scripts are replacements for the respondd and gluon-alfred packages in Gluon that can be used on servers (like gateways) to broadcast the information needed for example to display the name of the server on node-maps.
- lsb_release
- ethtool
- python3 (>= 3.3)
- If using alfred: alfred binary in PATH
git clone /opt/mesh-announce
cp /opt/mesh-announce/respondd.service /etc/systemd/system/
# adapt the line ExecStart in /etc/systemd/system/respondd.service (see "commandline options")
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start respondd
systemctl status respondd
cp /opt/mesh-announce/respondd.service /etc/systemd/system/
git pull
# check /etc/systemd/system/respondd.service for new options/adaptions
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart respondd
systemctl status respondd
Open the Alfred port UDP 16962 in your firewall. Add to your cronjobs, and let it run every minute, e.g.
PATH=/opt/alfred/:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:$PATH /opt/mesh-announce/
Assuming you are using systemd, copy the respondd.service
file to
. Open the copy and adapt the path to your checkout of
the repository and the interface names in the line starting with ExecStart=
Afterwards, start the service and optionally set it to autostart:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start respondd
# autostart on boot
systemctl enable respondd
Furthermore, you have to open UDP port 1001 in your IPv6 firewall for all mesh and B.A.T.M.A.N. advanced interfaces. Please don't open the port globally, as it can be used for traffic amplification attacks. You also might want to ratelimit it on the allowed interfaces for the same reason.
Those are all available options (respondd --help
): [-p <port>] [-g <group> -i <if0> [-i <if1> ..]] [-d <dir>]
for example: -d /opt/mesh-announce/providers -i <your-clientbridge-if> -i <your-mesh-vpn-if> -b <your-batman-if> -m <mesh ipv4 address>
: interfacename of mesh-bridge (for example br-ffXX)<your-mesh-vpn-if>
: interfacename of fastd or tuneldigger (for example ffXX-mvpn)<your-batman-if>
: B.A.T.M.A.N interfacename (usually bat-ffXX)<mesh ipv4 address>
: The ipv4 address of this gateway (usually the ip on interface )
you can get the ip withip a s dev br-ffXX|grep inet|head -n1|cut -d\ -f 6|sed 's|/.*||g'
The ipv4 address can be requested for example by ddhcpd via
gluon-neighbour-info -p 1001 -d ff02::1 -i bat0 -r gateway
This will request all json objects for all gateways. The json object for the
gateway can then be selected by the known macadress. The ip4 is stored in
When something goes wrong, the first step should be to look at the error log:
sudo journalctl -u respondd.service