Adward ios sdk (v 1.0b) is a monetization tool for ios game developers.
Import Adward SDK to your game :
- download our SDK using a direct github link or pull from git repository.
- open xCode and click on your root project item.
- select your working target and click on 'general' tab.
- under 'general' look for 'Linked Frameworks and Libraries' section and click on the "+" button.
- click on 'Add other' -> browse for AdwardSDK.framework on your local machine.
- import AdwardSDK to your appDelegate.m file.
#import <AdwardSDK/AdwardSDK.h>
To initialize Adward SDK please add this code to your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: function
Register to this observable to get rewards results from Adward :
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
-(void) receiveCoinsNotification:(NSNotification*) notification{
NSDictionary *dict =notification.object;
NSInteger points = [[dict objectForKey:@"points"] integerValue];
Each time a player shares content Adward SDK will call this observable function with the amount of points that the user deserves.
To show Adward content window call:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(receiveCoinsNotification:) name:ADW_GOT_POINTS_ADS object:nil];
Or if you prefer to work with callbacks:
[AdwardSDK showContentWindowWithAnimation:YES andFinishBlock:nil];
To hide Adward window you can call:
[AdwardSDK hideContentWindowWithAnimation:YES andFinishBlock:nil];
AdwardSDK will close automatically after share compilation