A production deployment framework using various DevOps tools. It uses Jenkins jobs for the different tasks execution. Each task could perform any specific job like execution of any script for initiating the deployment in any other DevOps tools like uDeploy or Ansible. It gives you flexibility to execute the different tasks using same configuration multiple times based on the requirement. It has a dashboard page to display all the tasks execution in the single page. It follows the Master-Worker architecture that allows you to handle the execution of all tasks with ease.
- Python 3.10 must be installed in the system
- Installation of required python modules must be done using requirements.txt file present in the current repository.
- Latest version of Jenkins installed in the system for the creation of master and worker job configuration (we will discuss about this in detail later on)
- Download blaze client: https://github.com/frostyaxe/Blaze-Client/releases/tag/v1.0-beta.1
(Use blaze-client for linux platform and blaze-client.exe for windows platform)
Open the config.py file present in this repository
Update the Jenkins configuration
Option Description SERVER_URL Jenkins server base url. For example: http://localhost:8000 USERNAME Jenkins User ID. Note: Framework does not support anonymous access. TOKEN Jenkins Authentication Token. Set the environment variable in the system named as "JENKINS_TOKEN" and keep the authentication there. Do not hardcode authentication token in the file -
Update the blaze authentication details
Update Email Configuration Details
Option Description SENDER EMAIL ID of the sender. PROTOCOL Supports TLS & SSL SMTP Host & Port details.
For Example ( GMAIL Details ):
Gmail SMTP server address: smtp.gmail.com
Gmail SMTP port (TLS): 587
Gmail SMTP port (SSL): 465USERNAME Email ID of the User PASSWORD Password/Authentication token of the user. For gmail, Please generate the app password and use it instead of actual login password: https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords. Store it in the environment variable named as "EMAIL_SECRET".
Option | Description |
SECRET_KEY | Random Secret Key String. Tip: Use MD5 string of any text that will be easy to remember. Please check the following link: Text to MD5 string. Store it in the environment variable named as "BLAZE_SECRET". |
To run it on development server, execute the below command in the root folder of this repository.
python blaze.py
If you want to run the application on any webserver then I suggest use Gunicorn.
A master job in the jenkins reads the instruction from the instruction file(YAML) and based on the worker configuration name provided by the user, it initiates the execution of the Jenkins worker job with the custom parameters.
Instruction YAML File ->> Jenkins Master Job: Worker configuration name & custom parameters (version & other user-defined parameter
Jenkins Master Job -->> Jenkins Worker Job 1: Build the worker job with custom parameters
Jenkins Master Job -->> Jenkins Worker Job 2: Build the worker job with custom parameters
Jenkins Master Job -->> Jenkins Worker Job 3: Build the worker job with custom parameters
Worker job can be any Jenkins configuration that could perform the actual task based on the inputs provided by user (if required). For example, You might have another tool for the continuous deployment and you have written a shell or python script to initiate the deployment from the Jenkins. Most of the deployments required version number. Hence you can parameterize this and let the master job handle the initiation of the execution with custom details.
Reads the details from the instruction YAML file (That will be talking about in detail further) and initiates the execution based on the details provided by the user. It reads the worker job configuration name and custom parameters provided by the user from the instruction file and triggers the build in the worker job with those custom parameters.
Note: Here you can reuse the same worker configuration for triggering the build with different custom parameters.
Instruction file which is also known as "taskbook" will be having the details related to the worker job configuration name and required the custom parameters for the build. Taskbook consists of multiple tasks and each task might have the same or different configuration name and custom parameters. It handles the entire execution flow such as sequence of the tasks execution, pausing the pipeline after the desired task execution, skipping the task, rerunning the previous task and many more.
Simple taskbook file:
- name: "Deployment of Application Package"
config: blazeconfig_app
category: "predeploy"
"version": "blaze_app-1.0.123"
- name: "Pause Task"
config: pause
category: "predeploy"
- name: "Deployment of DB Packages 122"
config: blazeconfig_db
category: "predeploy"
"version": "blaze_db-1.0.122"
- name: "Deployment of DB Packages 123"
config: blazeconfig_db
category: "predeploy"
"version": "blaze_db-1.0.123"
Note: As you can see in the above example, we have used "blazeconfig_db" configuration twice for the deployments of two different versions.
A worker job will be a simple jenkins job that could take the version number as a build parameter and perform the deployment based on the configuration done in it.
There is no specific sample job configuration that we could suggest as it could be anything, you might want to initiate a deployment using REST API or any client over the continuous deployment tool. You might want to interact with autosys for the jobs execution. You might want to update JIRA IDs. You might have to perform backup activities. Hence based on your requirements the configuration will be changed only the dynamic inputs that you required could be parameterized here and the value for those dynamic parameters, we can provide in the instruction file (YAML File).
Once the configuration for all the worker job is completed then you need to create a master job as per the steps provided below.
- blaze-client that you have downloaded while fulfiling the prerequisites, you need to set that client in the PATH variable.
- Once the blaze-client executable is set in the PATH variable then you can use below sample pipeline script for the configuration.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
//bat For windows, sh for linux. Verify the client extension as well. Do not use .exe on linux :)
bat "blaze-client.exe --jenkins-server-url \"http://localhost:8080\" --tracker-url \"\" --jenkins-job-id ${BUILD_NUMBER} --jenkins-job-name \"${env.JOB_NAME}\" --taskbook \"taskbook.yml\" --app-name \"blaze\" --jenkins-username \"<username>\" --jenkins-secret \"<jenkins-secret>\" --blaze-secret \"<blaze-secret>\""
- --jenkins-server-url: Base url of the Jenkins server. For example http://localhost:8080
- --tracker-url: Base url of the blaze tracker flask service. For example
- --jenkins-job-id: No need to change anything here
- --jenkins-job-name: No need to change anything here
- --taskbook: Path of the taskbook YAML file
- --app-name: Name of the registered application ( we will see that in detail later on ). Just ensure name must be in lowercase alphabets and does not have any special characters in it. Only underscore is allowed.
- --jenkins-username: Username of the Jenkins User.
- --jenkins-sercret: Password or authentication token of the Jenkins User
- --blaze-secret: Blaze secret key used in the flask service for the authentication. Hint: Check it in the config.py file. You might have set "BLAZE_SECRET" environment variable in your system.
- Copy the URL of a worker job and prepare the Jenkins job name using it For example if the worker job url look like this -> http://localhost:8080/job/Production-Deployment/job/blaze-worker-app/ then you need to split it as shown here ---> http://localhost:8080/job/ Production-Deployment/job/blaze-worker-app then just remove the job/ from here Production-Deployment/job/blaze-worker-app and the job name will be "Production-Deployment/blaze-worker-app"
- Now create a parameter in the worker job with the name having following prefix "blazeconfig_"
- Create another parameter named as "blaze.execution.category" with the value as "predeploy". It depicts the phase for which the master job is created. You might be having predeployment, deployment and post deployment steps to be performed in the entire production deployment. Hence this allows you to define the category of the master job.
Now it's time to prepare the taskbook that will drive the entire production deployment. Simple taskbook starts with tasks key and underneath that you will be having various tasks that you need to perform.
- name: "Deployment of Application Package"
config: blazeconfig_app
category: "predeploy"
"version": "blaze_app-1.0.123"
"*" denotes mandatory parameter
"NA" means Not Applicable
Name | Type | Default | Description | Example |
name* | string | NA | Any descriptive name containing alphanumeric values separated by space. Do not use any specical character except underscore. | Deployment of app package_123 |
category* | string | NA | It depicts the deployment phase. The value that you have mentioned in the Jenkins master job parameter "blaze.execution.category", you need to provide here | pre_deploy, release_deploy, post_deploy |
config* | string | NA |
Either it could be user defined config that you can get it from the Jenkins Master Job parameter having the prefix as "blazeconfig_" or it could be predefined config such as "pause"
Deployment of app package_123 |
skip | bool | False | If True then it skips the execution of that particular task. Widely used when an execution of a task gets failed and you do not need to re-run it instead of that you prefer to skip it. | True, False |
monitor | bool | True | By default, it handles all the execution of tasks sequentially in the foreground. If you specify the value as False then, execution will happen in the background. |
True, False |
allowFailure | bool | False | If True then even the execution fails, it will proceed with the execution of next task. If you do not want to re-run it then, use skip flag. |
True, False/td> |
dependsOn | list of string | [] | Name of the task(s) on which the execution of this task depends. Based on the execution status of all the tasks, it will allow the current task to initiatte the execution of itself. |
dependsOn: - "Task 1" - "Task 2" |
replay | boolean | False | Default behavior of the framework does not allow to re-run the successful task. But, in case, you want to override this behavior then you can assign the value as True. |
True, False |
parameters | map of parameters | NA | Key will be name of the custom parameter present in the worker job and Value will be the desired value by using which you would like to build that worker job. |
parameters: param1: "Value of the param1" param2: "Value of the param2" version: "app-1.0-123" |