Basic recipes using the ansible cloudstack module to create ssh keys, sec group etc and deploy Kubernetes on CoreOS.
You will need python 2.7 or higher with virtualenv
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
Create a ~/.cloudstack.ini
file with your creds and cloudstack endpoint:
endpoint = <cloudstackapiendpoint>
key = <apiaccesskey>
secret = <apisecretkey>
method = post
We need to use the http POST method to pass the userdata to the coreOS instances.
We can also use variables:
This will install cs and Ansible
$ git clone
$ cd k8s
$ virtualenv .venv
(if you are using python 3 use this instead: $ python -mvenv .venv)
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy and edit config.yml
$ cp config.yml-example config.yml
Edit config.yml and add your Cloudstack API Key's
$ ansible-playbook --extra-vars @config.yml k8s.yml
Some variables can be edited in the k8s.yml
This will start a Kubernetes master node and a number of compute nodes.
This is all setup via coreOS instances and passing userdata.
Check the tasks and templates in roles/k8s
If you retrieve an error during the ssh key copy:
"msg": "file (/root/.ssh/id_rsa_k8s) is absent, cannot continue",
Please run the Playbook a second time (related issue)
Now you should have a working cluster.
Install kubectl using the following instructions:
Configure your credentials:
kubectl config set-cluster betanl2 --certificate-authority=certificates/ca.crt --embed-certs=true --server=https://<your public ip>:6443
kubectl config set-credentials $USER --client-certificate=certificates/client.crt --client-key=certificates/client.key --embed-certs=true --token=$(cat certificates/token.txt)
kubectl config set-context default/betanl2/$USER --cluster=betanl2 --namespace=default --user=$USER
kubectl config use-context default/betanl2/$USER
$ kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes master is running at https://yourip:6443
$ kubectl get nodes
k8s-node-1 Ready 17h v1.8.2
k8s-node-2 Ready 17h v1.8.2
# This will create the certificate
$ kubectl create secret generic kubernetes-dashboard-certs --from-file=certificates/dashboard -n kube-system
# Deploy the dashboard
$ kubectl apply -f resources/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml
How to reach the dashboard:
Directly (only works if you have the client.pfx imported in your cert trust store).
$ open https://<your ip>:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/
Via proxy:
$ kubectl proxy
$ open
Note: due of a bug in Kubernetes /ui doesnt redirect correctly when https is used. This will be fixed in a future release.
$ kubectl apply -f resources/coredns.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f resources/heapster