v1.18.0 – Quality of Life Improvements
Updated all frontend, backend and service dependencies. #413 #420
Updated to fulib v1.6.2, fulibTools v1.6.0 and fulibScenarios v1.7.1. #414
New Features
Added a way for assignees to track general notes that are invisible to the student. #415
Added a simple markdown editor for various supported fields. #415 #417
Added a selection for the OpenAI Embedding Model in the Code Search edit tab. #410
Added a way to find solutions where a task is evaluated with a given remark. #406
Added a way to quickly filter the solution table by assignee or status. #401
Added a way to set an assignee for all selected solutions. #401
Statistics now show the average and total time for grading solutions as tracked by the assignees. #404
The solution task list now always shows checkboxes. #416
The assignee feedback modal no longer appears automatically. #416
Added a Cancel button to the assignee feedback modal. #416
Improved the feedback issue template. #416
Feedback forms are now in English. #416
OpenAI Embedding imports are now rate limited. The user will see a warning message before importing many functions. #410
Embedding import costs are now rounded. #410
Adjusted the cost calculation for the (default) text-embedding-ada-002
model. #410
Improved the side navigation style in Docs. #405
Made the course students table header sticky. #403
Assignment tasks are no longer visible to unauthorized users before the deadline is over. #402
Updated Dark Mode to match the default Bootstrap dark color mode. #398
Bulk submitting issues for multiple solutions now marks them as graded. #407
My Assignments no longer shows all assignments in the database if the user is not logged in and has no stored tokens. #402
The fulibScenarios compiler backend no longer logs requests to a database. #421
Removed the feedback issue banner regarding bonus points. #416
Removed fulibMockups and related examples. #414
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