For a template for use with Raw React Native CLI (not expo) see the raw-native branch of
this repository (updated 2023-09-29).
This repository is a work-in-progress.
For an example (2024-03-11) of a working expo project with a local module, see the expo-local-module
This is a project that could be used as the basis for a full-stack Fulcro native+web project where the logic of the web and native apps is shared as much as possible.
This particular example shares login logic among the web and native UIs, along with some basic routing.
In the interest of time, a tour of this project is available on YouTube.
Fulcro electron app for debugging mobile app (fulcro inspector)
Clj-kondo config for fulcro, mount and pathom
Fulcro-native library (read may be useful)
By default native app will try to connect to Electron Fulcro Inspect.
You may comment out the app.inspect-native-preload in shadow-cljs.edn to disable this.
Logging errors in the Native env will show an error screen on the app. Just press ESC to continue in the simulator if that happens. |
In one terminal, start up CLJS build:
$ yarn
$ npx shadow-cljs server
Go to http://localhost:9630/dashboard and click on Builds, and check the native and web builds (you should see both of them build).
Make sure you have the clojure CLI tools installed, and in a 3rd terminal start a REPL:
$ clj -A:dev
user=> (restart)
You should see a message about starting.
Open http://localhost:3000. This is the webapp.
For mobile version In another terminal, start up expo:
$ cd mobile
$ yarn
$ npx expo start
Go to the Expo terminal window and press 'i' (requires XCode and Simulator to be installed).
An iPad/Phone simulator should start with the app.
There is a demo login account of "user"/"letmein".
If using Android you must use a patched version of sente and specify the host for Electron Fulcro Inspect.
Update deps.edn
to use the patched version of sente
org.clojars.currentoor/sente {:mvn/version "1.14.1-SNAPSHOT"}
com.fulcrologic/fulcro {:mvn/version "3.1.8"
:exclusions [com.taoensso/sente]}
Update shadow-cljs.edn
to connect to inspect on the host machine which is always on the Android Studio emulator
:closure-defines {'goog.DEBUG true
app.client-native/SERVER_URL ""
com.fulcrologic.fulcro.inspect.inspect_ws/SERVER_PORT 8237
com.fulcrologic.fulcro.inspect.inspect_ws/SERVER_HOST ""}
Just start fulcro electron app, after running your mobile app. It should work out of the box. If you have problem connecting try "r" in expo mobile app menu or restarting the mobile simulator
For react-native in separate tab run:
yarn run react-devtools
And hit "r" in expo menu to refresh app and after that press "m" for debug options. This should connect react-devtools to your app.
If you are getting errors while starting expo app make sure that mobile/app directory exists. If not, running npx shadow-cljs server and building should help.
Iphone simulator is black: Just close iphone simulator device and hit "i" in expo menu to reopen iphone (sometimes works after third try)
Warn/error when opening expo app on mobile simulator / Can’t see the app Click Minimize to see the application.
WARN [taoensso.sente] - Chsk is closed: will try reconnect
This happens when fulcro-inspect-electron is not connected
As stated above:
You may comment out the app.inspect-native-preload in shadow-cljs.edn
to disable this.