This is the React Native CLI version. To view the Expo version, click here.
This repo goes along with my post titled "Introducing Conference App in a Box"
For a full walkthrough of this project and how to deploy and theme it, check out this video.
🛠 Built with React Native, GraphQL, AWS Amplify, & AWS AppSync
Follow me on Twitter at @dabit3 to keep up with my future projects as well as updates and new features added to this one! If you need any help launching this app, please reach out to me I'd be happy to help.
⚡️ Real-time chat
👾 Themeable & customizable
👮♂️ Authentication & Profile view
🔥 Serverless back end
🚀 GraphQL
💻 Deploy back end in minutes
- Clone the repo & install the dependencies
~ git clone
~ cd conference-app-in-a-box
~ npm install
- Initialize and deploy the Amplify project
~ amplify init
? Enter a name for the environment: dev (or whatever you would like to call this env)
? Choose your default editor: <YOUR_EDITOR_OF_CHOICE>
? Do you want to use an AWS profile? Y
~ amplify push
? Are you sure you want to continue? Y
? Do you want to generate code for your newly created GraphQL API? N
> We already have the GraphQL code generated for this project, so generating it here is not necessary.
- Start the app
~ react-native run-ios
# or
~ react-native run-android
Sign up in the app after following the previous steps
Open the AppSync console:
~ amplify console api
Click on Queries to open the GraphiQL Editor. When prompted to "Login with User Pools", you can login with your new username and use the
located in aws-exports.js for the ClientId. -
Create a new talk with the following GraphQL mutation:
mutation createTalk {
createTalk(input: {
name: "Performance In React Native",
summary: "In this talk, we will look at the various tips and tricks for taking full advantage of React Native and using the performance attributes of the new architecture.",
speakerName: "Ram Narasimhan",
speakerBio: "Software Engineer at Facebook",
time: "9:00 AM - 9:30 AM",
timeStamp: "1573491600",
date: "November 10",
location: "Armory",
speakerAvatar: ""
}) {
id name speakerBio speakerName speakerAvatar location date time timeStamp
- Query for all talks with the following GraphQL query:
query listTalks {
listTalks {
items {
- Update a talk with the following GraphQL mutation:
mutation updateTalk {
updateTalk(input: {
id: "<TALK_ID>"
name: "Performance in React Native & GraphQL"
}) {
id name
- Delete a talk with the following GraphQL mutation:
mutation deleteTalk {
deleteTalk(input: {
id: "<TALK_ID>"
}) {
Open src/theme.js and replace the highlight & primary colors.
Replace src/assets/logo.jpg with your logo.
This schema can be edited. If your event needs additional fields, you can update the backend by doing the following:
Update the schema (located at amplify/backend/api/rnconfinabox/schema.graphql).
Redeploy the back end:
~ amplify push