This small Sinatra app listens to webhooks from Github and takes appropriate action in Trello.
- creates Trello board after repo creation
- adds Trello users to board when given Github access to corresponding project
- adds (via rake task) new team members quickly and easily to project
- links Github branches to corresponding cards in Trello (pending)
- syncronizes list names among all Trello boards upon creation
- moves cards into "Doing" when new feature/bug branch is pushed (pending)
- moves cards into "Pending Merge" when pull request is submitted (pending)
- moves cards into "Done" when branch is merged (pending)
- (& more!)
- obtain ENV vars from admin (@naserca)
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
- play with
- run server with
on a port of your choosing
- ask admin for Heroku project access
git remote add heroku [email protected]:funci-gt-connect.git
git push heroku master