This file explains how to set up and run the project by hand.
For licensing (BSD 3-clause), see COPYING
Schedule runs in a Docker container, with database separated from the app. In local setting, it is easiest to run database also as a docker container. In production setting you might want to have the database in more stable environment. This guide is intended for running schedule locally.
Before the build you have to add some files to the folder to include them in the docker image. For privacy reasons we cannot store them in the public Github repository.
Schedule can create pdf timetables of created schedules. Currently there is only one template, which is meant for introduction timetables for new employees. First create directory pdf-generator/fonts
. Add two .otf font files there; bold.otf and font.otf (Futurice Bold.otf
and Futurice Monospaced.otf
). Then put the chosen background picture as pdf to pdf-generator/intro_background.pdf
. Currently used fonts and background pdf can be found in
Then log in to google app console ( with the google account you want to create the events in and create a new project for schedule. Once the project is created, give it rights to use the calendar API and download the client secrets file. Save it in the project root as client_secrets.json
. There is also copy of this file in the haskell-mega-repo-secrets repo
In conclusion, make sure that the following files are in the folder before building the docker image:
docker build --rm -t schedule .
docker run -d --restart always \
--name schedule-postgres postgres
docker exec -it schedule-postgres sh -c "createdb -Upostgres schedule"
docker run --rm -itp 8000:8000 \
-e DB_HOST=schedule-postgres \
-e DB_USER=postgres \
-e DB_NAME=schedule \
-e DB_PASSWORD=secret \
-e \
-e [email protected] \
-e \
-e DEBUG=true \
-e FAKE_LOGIN=true \
-e SENTRY_DSN="https://foo:bar@localhost/1" \
-e SECRET_KEY=secret \
-e TEST=true \
-e USERS_URL="" \
--link schedule-postgres:schedule-postgres \
-v $(pwd):/opt/app/:rw \
--name schedule schedule
Note: To run tests add -e TEST=true
to install additional browser support.
These tasks will be run automatically every hour, but they can be also run manually.
Fetching users from FUM:
docker exec schedule ./schedulesite/ refresh_users
Updating meeting rooms:
docker exec schedule ./schedulesite/ update_meeting_rooms
docker exec -e TRAVIS=true schedule xvfb-run ./schedulesite/ test --failfast -v 3 futuschedule --settings=schedulesite.settings_test
The app needs to be authorized with google before events can be created, edited or removed. To authorize the app you need client_secrets.json
and authorize against the google account (TEST_CALENDAR_ID) that will keep log of the schedules. Authorization can be done using python -c 'from futuschedule.create_credentials import run; run();'
The authorization link will be printed to the terminal. Copy that link to your browser and the app authorization page appears. Clicking accept leads to an error page but that is intended. Copy the code from the end of the url of that page and paste it to the terminal where you started the authorization.
This has to be done only once when the app is started for the first time. The credentials are stored in the database, so restarting the app doesn't require authorization if the database remains unchanged.
Install appswarm CLI from appswarm, then build and deploy :
TAG=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
docker build --rm --tag futurice/schedule:$TAG .
appswarm image:push -i futurice/schedule -t $TAG
appswarm app:deploy -n schedule -i futurice/schedule -t $TAG