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Ticket application - epsilon version

Sample Grails application meant as a teaching tool. As always, the code in the integration and units tests is as instructive (if not more) than the actual application code.


  1. Start by creating 3 domain classes. A Ticket has a summary and a description. A Developer is assigned many tasks that she is meant to complete. Many Tasks can be necessary to close a Ticket. Many Developers can work on the same Task. Each Developer has a full name and a work email. Finally, the creation date of Tickets and Tasks must be recorded.

     $ grails create-domain-class ca.mcgill.epsilon.Ticket
     $ grails create-domain-class ca.mcgill.epsilon.Task
     $ grails create-domain-class ca.mcgill.epsilon.Developer
  2. Create integration tests for the new domain classes and verify that it is possible to save new instances, to wire them together and to find them in the database. While you're at it, check that the auto-timestamp feature described above actually works.

     $ grails create-integration-test ca.mcgill.epsilon.Ticket
     $ grails create-integration-test ca.mcgill.epsilon.Task
     $ grails create-integration-test ca.mcgill.epsilon.Developer
     $ grails run-app integration:
  3. Add validation to summary, description, fullName, workEmail. Update your integrations tests.

  4. A Ticket has a type like Bug, Improvement, New feature or Question. A Ticket also has a priority that ranges from 1 to 5. Dont forget to update your tests.

     $ grails create-domain-class ca.mcgill.epsilon.TicketType
  5. A Ticket has a particular life cycle. It starts as pending, it is then assigned to a developer by a manager. When the developer starts working, it is in progress and when she finishes it becomes closed - fix. It can also closed - wont fix. For statistical purposes, we also need to keep each status change. Furthermore, each status change must be sorted by timestamp. Finally (!), a Ticket, when saved, should be pending. Dont forget to update your tests...

     $ grails create-domain-class ca.mcgill.epsilon.TicketStatus
     $ grails create-domain-class ca.mcgill.epsilon.TicketStatusChange
  6. A Ticketcan have one file Attachment. It's important to save not only the file content but also the content type (application/pdf, image/png, etc) and the original file name.

     $ grails create-domain-class ca.mcgill.epsilon.Attachment
     $ grails create-integration-test ca.mcgill.epsilon.Attachment
  7. Create a controller and view so that users can create tickets and save them to the database. The business logic will need to be put inside a service. Duplicate, redundant or otherwise redundant or duplicate HTML markup should be put inside a tag library. As always, the controller, the service and the taglib should have unit or integration tests.

     $ grails create-controller ca.mcgill.epsilon.TicketController
     $ grails create-service ca.mcgill.epsilon.TicketService
     $ grails create-tag-lib ca.mcgill.epsilon.Ticket
     $ touch grails-app/views/ticket/create.gsp
  8. Add a view that allows a manager to view all pending Tickets. Add another view to show a specific Ticket with the option of assigning it to a Developer.

     $ grails create-integration-test ca.mcgill.epsilon.TicketServiceTests
     $ touch grails-app/views/ticket/pending.gsp
     $ grails create-controller ca.mcgill.epsilon.TaskController
     $ touch grails-app/views/task/createFromTicket.gsp
  9. Add a REST style interface to manage the Developer instances. (See documentation)

     $ grails create-controller ca.mcgill.epsilon.DeveloperController
  10. When a task is assigned to a developer, she should receive an email containing a short overview. Since sending mail takes time, email notifications should be triggered by a scheduled job running every 15 minutes during normal business hours.

     $ grails compile
     $ grails create-job ca.mcgill.epsilon.Notification
  11. Task creation should be restricted to known users. Furthermore, task assignment should be reserved to managers.

     $ grails compile
     $ grails s2-quickstart ca.mcgill.epsilon User Role
  12. When a User creates a Ticket, she becomes its commissioner. Add the relationship between User and Ticket and update all tests.

  13. Change the default routes so that http://localhost:8080/ points to http://localhost:8080/epsilon/ticket/create.

  14. Create a statistics service and expose it through CXF. The service could be used to calculate:

    • The number of pending tickets;
    • The mean time to completion;
    • The number of pending vs closed tickets for the last 30 days;
    • The user that commissions the most tickets;
    • The fastest developer;
    • etc...

    Instead of using the GORM, use only a JDBC dataSource object to issue direct SQL calls. Create an integration test to verify that the service works and write a short script to post SOAP enveloppes to your service.

     $ grails create-service ca.mcgill.epsilon.StatsService
     $ grails create-integration-test ca.mcgill.epsilon.StatsService
     $ touch scripts/callStatsWebService.groovy
  15. Create an ad hoc evaluation service and expose it through JMX. The service could be used to:

    • Modify existing models;

    • Create new models and save them to the database;

    • Run special queries;

    • etc...

      $ grails create-service ca.mcgill.epsilon.GroovyShellService $ grails create-integration-test ca.mcgill.epsilon.GroovyShellService


Grails teaching tool







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