Note: requires fyne-cross 2.6.1 fyne-io/fyne-cross#289
base image:
- update to debian bookworm #49
- update Go to v1.23.5 #54
- improve Wayland support #45
- verify Zig archives using minisign
darwin image
- verify Zig archives using minisign
Note: this is the only image that need to use Zig v0.9.1 to cross compile. See ziglang/zig#20689. Also we need to note that we are able to support only MacOS SDK 11.3
Relates to #46
- update
to support Zig 0.13.0 syntax
- Remove GopherJS from web images #50
- Get correct version when building on master by @Bluebugs in #53
- Enable CI on arm host. by @Bluebugs in #56
The following images have been tagged and released on docker hub:
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:1.2.0-base [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:1.2.0-android [amd64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:android [amd64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:1.2.0-darwin [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:darwin [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:1.2.0-darwin-sdk-extractor [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:darwin-sdk-extractor [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:1.2.0-freebsd-amd64 [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:freebsd-amd64 [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:1.2.0-freebsd-arm64 [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:freebsd-arm64 [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:1.2.0-linux [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:linux [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:1.2.0-web [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:web [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:1.2.0-windows [amd64/arm64]
fyneio/fyne-cross-image:windows [amd64/arm64]