- I was hired to design and build email templates like this marketing email for Pet-Awesome Pet Products.
- I used html and CSS to complete the marketing email.
- The email template is currently being used for the purposes of connecting with social media influencers in order to create brand marketing relationships
- Some of my earlier work on this project is in a different repository of mine. I moved it to this one to make use of the GitHub Pages domain name
- The email should display in the browser through GitHub Pages here:
- copy text of entire html document from plain text editor
- Open gmail
- Insert some placeholder text like "PPP" into email body
- Highlight placeholder text. Right click on it and click inspect.
- On the highlighted portion in the chrome developer tools, right click, then click edit as html
- find placeholder text and carefully replace with pasted email template code.
- Send email
These were captured using Safari on MacOS