Fix entity find path #4189
3 errors
e2e (22.x)
This request has been automatically failed because it uses a deprecated version of `actions/upload-artifact: v3`. Learn more:
src/core/Entity.test.ts > Entity > scene.findByPath > normal:
AssertionError: expected null to equal Entity{ instanceId: 34, …(20) }
- Expected:
Entity {
"_activeChangedComponents": null,
"_children": Array [
Entity {
"_activeChangedComponents": null,
"_children": Array [],
"_components": Array [
Transform {
"_awoken": true,
"_destroyed": false,
"_dirtyFlag": 444,
"_enabled": true,
"_engine": WebGLEngine {
"_activePostProcessPasses": Array [
PostProcessUberPass {
"_bloomMaterial": Material {
"_destroyed": false,
"_engine": [Circular],
"_refCount": 0,
"_renderStates": Array [
"_shader": Shader {
"_destroyed": false,
"_refCount": 0,
"_subShaders": [Array],
"name": "PostProcessEffect Bloom",
"_shaderData": ShaderData {
"_group": 3,
"_macroCollection": [ShaderMacroCollection],
"_macroMap": [Object],
"_propertyValueMap": [Object],
"_refCount": 0,
"_superResources": null,
"instanceId": 23,
"isGCIgnored": false,
"_destroyed": false,
"_engine": [Circular],
"_event": 99,
"_isActive": true,
"_mipDownRT": Array [],
"_mipUpRT": Array [],
"_uberMaterial": Material {
"_destroyed": false,
"_engine": [Circular],
"_refCount": 0,
"_renderStates": Array [
"_shader": Shader {
"_destroyed": false,
"_refCount": 0,
"_subShaders": [Array],
"name": "UberPost",
"_shaderData": ShaderData {
"_group": 3,
"_macroCollection": [ShaderMacroCollection],
"_macroMap": [Object],
"_propertyValueMap": [Object],
"_refCount": 0,
"_superResources": null,
"instanceId": 22,
"isGCIgnored": false,
"instanceId": 21,
"_animate": [Function anonymous],
"_basicResources": BasicResources {
"_prefilteredDFGTexture": Texture2D {
"_anisoLevel": 1,
"_destroyed": false,
"_engine": [Circular],
"_filterMode": 1,
"_format": 0,
"_height": 256,
"_isContentLost": false,
"_isDepthTexture": false,
"_mipmap": false,
"_mipmapCount": 1,
"_platformTexture": GLTexture2D {
"_compressedMipFilled": 0,
"_formatDetail": Object {
"baseFormat": 6407,
"dataType": 5121,
"internalFormat": 32849,
"isCompressed": false,
"_gl": WebGL2RenderingContext {
"_glTexture": WebGLTexture {},
"_isWebGL2": true,
"_rhi": WebGLGraphicDevice {
"_activeTextureID": 33984,
"_activeTextures": [Array],
"_capability": [GLCapability],
"_contextAttributes": [Object],
"_enableGlobalDepthBias": false,
Process completed with exit code 1.