[user@host ~]$ gzip -dc CARMEN.tar.gz | tar x
[user@host ~]$ cd CARMEN
[user@host ~]$ wget http://carmen.gao-lab.org/download/DeepOcean_web.tar.gz
[user@host ~]$ tar -zxvf DeepOcean_web.tar.gz
We recommend Anaconda2-5.0-1.
[user@host ~]$ cd ./Tools/
[user@host ~]$ wget https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda2-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
[user@host ~]$ bash Anaconda2-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh
""" Do you accept the license terms? [1]yes
Anaconda2 will now be installed into this location: [2]${abs_path}+/anaconda2
Do you wish the installer to prepend the Anaconda2 install location? [3]no """
[user@host ~]$ ./anaconda2/bin/conda install mkl-rt
[user@host ~]$ ./anaconda2/bin/pip install tensorflow==1.4.0
[user@host ~]$ ./anaconda2/bin/pip install scikit-learn==0.19.1
[user@host ~]$ ./anaconda2/bin/pip install biopython
[user@host ~]$ ./anaconda2/bin/conda install -c r r=3.2.2 #INSTALL R-3.2.2
[user@host ~]$ ./anaconda2/bin/R
"Install within R"
"If you did not use the python in anaconda that we recommended, please remember to change the path of python in run-carmen.py"
[user@host ~]$ wget http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/hgWiggle
[user@host ~]$ chmod +x hgWiggle
[user@host ~]$ cd ../Conservation/
[user@host ~]$ bash Conservation_download.sh
[user@host ~]$ cd ..
[user@host ~]$ bash run-carmen_demo.sh
Congratuate if you can see output like
Finsied prediction! The prediction cost 1 mins.
Or, please just feel free to let us know by email [email protected] :)
While the core package needs ~50MB, more than 50GB space will be required eventually.
With all pre-required infrastructure set up correctly, software installation could be done in minutes.
We also recommend download conservation data and installation packages at the same time to save the installation time.
Website: http://carmen.gao-lab.org
Email: [email protected]