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gaospecial committed Mar 29, 2021
1 parent 1cbcfc3 commit 64a6390
Showing 1 changed file with 89 additions and 56 deletions.
145 changes: 89 additions & 56 deletions gene-expression.Rmd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,11 @@ organsim_fullname <- c("EC"="E. coli","PP"="P. putida")

Figure \@ref(fig:growth-curve) shows Growth curves of *E. coli* and *P. putida* in monoculture (A) and the "1:1000", "1:1", "1000:1" cocultures (B-D). The quantities were determined using species-specific qPCR as described in methods. In B-D subplots, the growth curves of monocultures were placed on the background layer (dashed lines), showing the difference between monoculture and cocultures.

```{r growth-curve, fig.asp=0.8, fig.cap="Growth curves of *E. coli* and *P. putida* in monoculture (A) and the 1:1000, 1:1, 1000:1 cocultures (B-D)"}

```{r growth-curve, fig.asp=0.8, fig.cap="Growth curves of *E. coli* and *P. putida* in monoculture (A) and the 1:1000, 1:1, 1000:1 cocultures (B-D)",fig.width=6}
# stats
growth_data <- qPCR_data %>% group_by(species,time,condition) %>%
Expand All @@ -77,6 +81,7 @@ monoculture <- growth_data %>%
coculture <- growth_data %>%
filter(condition %in% c("less","equal","more"))
# plot
growth_curve_mono <- ggplot(monoculture,aes(time,y,color=species)) +
geom_line(lty="dashed",size=1) +
Expand All @@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ growth_curves_coculture <- lapply(c("less","equal","more"), function(x){
geom_line(lty="dashed",size=1,alpha=1/3,data = monoculture) +
geom_line(size=1,data=filter(coculture,condition==x)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=y-std,ymax=y+std),size=.5,data = monoculture,alpha=1/3) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=y-std,ymax=y+std),size=.5,data = filter(coculture,condition==x)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=y-std,ymax=y+std),size=.5,data = filter(coculture,condition==x)) +
geom_point(data = monoculture,alpha=1/3) +
Expand All @@ -100,50 +105,65 @@ growth_curves <- lapply(growth_curves, function(p){
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(5,10.8),breaks = 5:10) +
scale_color_discrete(labels=organsim_fullname,name="Species") +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = c(0.7,0.2),
theme(legend.position = c(0.7,0.3),
legend.text = element_text(face = "italic"))
# show plot
plot_grid(plotlist = growth_curves,ncol=2,labels = "AUTO")
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure 1.tiff",path="figures", compression = "lzw")
if(save_figure_to_ppt) export::graph2ppt(file="figures.pptx",append=TRUE)
plot_grid(plotlist = growth_curves,ncol=2,labels = "auto")

### Comparision of coculture and monoculture quantities

Figure \@ref(fig:monoculture-vs-coculture) shows the variance analysis of the species abundances between monoculture and three cocultures. Results for *E. coli* (A-G) and *P. putida* (H-N) were given by time, as been illustrated on the top subtitle. In x-axis, mono represents the quantity of monoculture, and "1:1000", "1:1", "1000:1" represent the quantity of three cocultures. The significance of p-values were showed by "\*" (p\<0.05), "\*\*" (p\<0.01) or "ns" (p\>0.05).
Figure \@ref(fig:monoculture-vs-coculture) shows the variance analysis of the species abundances between monoculture and the "1:1000" (a), "1:1" (b), and "1000:1" (c) cocultures. The significance of p-values were showed by “*” (p<0.05), “**” (p<0.01) or “ns” (p>0.05).

```{r monoculture-vs-coculture, fig.asp=0.8,fig.cap="Analysis the variance of the species abundances between monoculture and cocultures"}
qPCR_stat <- qPCR_data %>% mutate(
condition = fct_other(condition,
other_level = "mono")) %>%
group_by(time,species) %>%
wilcox_test(.,quantity ~ condition, = "mono") %>%
mutate(condition = group2) %>%
# significance
variance <- qPCR_data %>%
filter(condition %in% c("less","equal","more")) %>%
group_by(time,condition,species) %>%
summarise(y=max(log10(quantity))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
variance_plot <- function(cond){
qPCR_stat %>% filter(condition == cond) %>%
left_join(filter(coculture, condition==cond)) %>%
ggplot(aes(time,y,color=species)) +
geom_line(size=1,alpha=1/2) +
geom_point(size=2,alpha=1/2) +
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(label=p.adj.signif),show.legend = F) +
ylab("Log(quantity)") + xlab("Time (h)") +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(5,11),breaks = 5:10) +
scale_color_discrete(labels=organsim_fullname,name="Species") +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = c(0.7,0.3),
legend.text = element_text(face = "italic"))
```{r monoculture-vs-coculture, fig.width=12,fig.cap="Analysis the variance of the species abundances between monoculture and three cocultures"}
ref_group <- c("all","none")
plots <- lapply(seq_along(ref_group), function(i){
ref <- ref_group[[i]]
lapply(c(0,0.5,1,2,4,8,24), function(x){
df <- qPCR_data %>%
filter(species == organism[[i]],time==x) %>%
df$condition <- relevel(df$condition, ref)
ggplot(df,aes(condition,log10(quantity))) +
geom_boxplot() +
geom_jitter() +
scale_x_discrete(labels = c("mono","1:1000","1:1","1000:1")) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,1)) +
labs(subtitle = paste0("*",organsim_fullname[[organism[[i]]]],"* - ", x, "h")) +
stat_compare_means( = ref,label = "p.signif") +
theme(plot.subtitle = element_markdown())
plots <- unlist(plots,recursive = F)
plot_grid(plotlist = plots,ncol=5,labels = "AUTO")
plots <- lapply(c("less","equal","more"), variance_plot)
plot_grid(plotlist = plots,labels = "auto")
if (save_figure_to_ppt) export::graph2ppt(file="figures.pptx",append=TRUE)
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure S1.tiff",path="figures", compression = "lzw")

### Ratio (EC/PP) changes in cocultures

Ratios of EC/PP in cocultures were calculated, and ratio changes in cocultures were compared in Figure \@ref(fig:ratio-change).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,11 +202,11 @@ plot_ratio <- ggplot(ratio.sum, aes(time,y,shape=condition,color=condition)) +
data = filter(ratio.sum,time==8),
show.legend = F) +
# directlabels::geom_dl(aes(label=condition),method="smart.grid") +
scale_y_log10(labels=formatC,breaks=10^(-3:3)) +
geom_bracket(xmin = 0, xmax = 2,y.position=3.5,label = "ns",inherit.aes = FALSE) +
geom_bracket(xmin = 0, xmax = 4,y.position=1,label = "ns",inherit.aes = FALSE) +
geom_bracket(xmin = 0, xmax = 4,y.position=0.001,label = "ns",inherit.aes = FALSE) +
labs(x="Time (h)", y="Ratio (EC/PP)") +
# scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-5,NA)) +
theme(legend.position = c(0.8,0.75))
ratio_24h <- ratio %>% filter(time==24)
Expand All @@ -199,13 +219,12 @@ plot_ratio_stats <- ggplot(ratio_24h,aes(condition,ratio,color=condition)) +
xlab("Condition") + ylab("Ratio (EC/PP)") +
scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(0.1)) +
theme(legend.position = "none",
panel.background = element_rect(fill="lightyellow"
panel.background = element_rect(fill="lightyellow"),
plot.margin = margin(1,1,1,1,unit="cm"))
plot_grid(plot_ratio,plot_ratio_stats,labels = "AUTO",rel_widths = c(3,2))
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure 2.tiff",path="figures", compression = "lzw")
if (save_figure_to_ppt) export::graph2ppt(file="figures.pptx",append=TRUE)

Notably, the ratio differences were non-significant by time in the logarithmic phase, but were all significant in the stationary phase for every coculture (Figure \@ref(fig:comparison-by-time)).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,11 +275,23 @@ plots <- lapply(seq_along(pvalues), function(i){
mtext(LETTERS[[i]], side = side, line = line, cex = cex, adj = adj)

### Figure 1

```{r fig.asp=1.5,fig.width=6}
plot_grid(plot_grid(plotlist = growth_curves,ncol=2,labels = "auto"),
plot_grid(plot_ratio,plot_ratio_stats,labels = c("e","f"),rel_widths = c(3,2)),
ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(1.8,1)
if (save_figure_to_ppt) export::graph2ppt(file="figures.pptx",append=TRUE)
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure S2.tiff",path="figures", compression = "lzw")
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure 1.tiff",path="figures", compression = "lzw")

## Gene expression analysis

To reveal the mechanism of community assembly in cocultures, we investigated the transcriptomic changes in cocultures using RNA-seq analysis.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,8 +330,6 @@ plots <- lapply(1:length(samples),function(i){
legend <- get_legend(plots[[1]] + theme(legend.position = "top",legend.direction = "horizontal"))
plot_grid(legend, plot_grid(plotlist = plots,labels = "AUTO",ncol=4),rel_heights = c(1,15),ncol=1)
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure S3.tiff",path="figures", compression = "lzw")
if (save_figure_to_ppt) export::graph2ppt(file="figures.pptx",append=TRUE)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,7 +411,7 @@ myPlotPCA <- function(object,

```{r RNA-seq-PCA, fig.width=10,fig.asp=0.618,fig.cap="Principle coordinate analysis (PCA) of the gene expression profiles of *E. coli* (A) and *P. putida* (B) in different samples."}
```{r RNA-seq-PCA, fig.width=8,fig.asp=0.618,fig.cap="Principle coordinate analysis (PCA) of the gene expression profiles of *E. coli* (A) and *P. putida* (B) in different samples."}
list_of_PCA_plot <- lapply(list_of_vsd, function(vsd) {
myPlotPCA(vsd) +
facet_wrap(~time,ncol=4) +
Expand All @@ -392,7 +421,7 @@ list_of_PCA_plot <- lapply(list_of_vsd, function(vsd) {
theme(legend.position = "none")
plot_grid(plotlist = list_of_PCA_plot,labels = "AUTO",ncol=1)
plot_grid(plotlist = list_of_PCA_plot,labels = "auto",ncol=1)
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure 3.tiff",path="figures", compression = "lzw")
if (save_figure_to_ppt) export::graph2ppt(file="figures.pptx",append=TRUE)
Expand All @@ -403,7 +432,7 @@ if (save_figure_to_ppt) export::graph2ppt(file="figures.pptx",append=TRUE)

Figure \@ref(fig:count-of-deg) shows the Counts of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in three cocultures, in *E. coli* (A) and *P. putida* (B). The DEGs were identified by comparison with the corresponding monoculture at the same time. Up- and down-regulation of genes were colored by red and cyan, respectively.

```{r count-of-deg, fig.asp=0.618,fig.cap="Counts of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in three cocultures, in *E. coli* (A) and *P. putida* (B).",fig.width=6}
```{r count-of-deg, fig.asp=0.8,fig.cap="Counts of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in three cocultures, in *E. coli* (A) and *P. putida* (B).",fig.width=5}
## count DEG
deg_count <- function(data){"rbind",lapply(data, function(x) table(x$expression))) %>%
Expand All @@ -426,7 +455,8 @@ deg_count <- function(data){
deg_count_EC <- deg_count(DEG_results.EC)
deg_count_PP <- deg_count(DEG_results.PP)
count <- list(deg_count_EC, deg_count_PP)
plots <- lapply(seq_along(count), function(i){
deg_count_plots <- lapply(seq_along(count), function(i){
x <- count[[i]]
ggplot(x, aes(x = time, y = count, color = type)) +
geom_point() +
Expand All @@ -443,7 +473,7 @@ plots <- lapply(seq_along(count), function(i){
plot_grid(plotlist = plots,labels = "AUTO",ncol = 1)
plot_grid(plotlist = deg_count_plots,labels = "AUTO",ncol = 1)
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure 4.tiff",path="figures", compression = "lzw")
if (save_figure_to_ppt) export::graph2ppt(file="figures.pptx",append=TRUE)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -664,7 +694,7 @@ eco_gsea_pathay <- kegg_path_tree(df1,
gene_id = "core_enrichment")
df1$Description <- factor(df1$Description,
levels = eco_gsea_pathay)
p1 <- gse_dotplot(df1)
gsea_plot_EC <- gse_dotplot(df1)
## GSEA dotplot of P. putida
df2 <- gse_result(gseKEGG_results.PP)
Expand All @@ -673,14 +703,16 @@ ppu_gsea_pathway <- kegg_path_tree(df2,
gene_id = "core_enrichment")
df2$Description <- factor(df2$Description,
levels = ppu_gsea_pathway)
p2 <- gse_dotplot(df2)
gsea_plot_PP <- gse_dotplot(df2)

(ref:gsea-dotplot-figcap) GSEA result of cocultures in *E. coli* (A) and *P. putida* (B)

```{r gsea-dotplot, fig.asp=1.5, fig.width = 8, fig.cap="(ref:gsea-dotplot-figcap)"}
plot_grid(p1,p2,align = "v", ncol = 1,labels = "AUTO",rel_heights = c(1.5,1))
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure 5.tiff",path="figures", dpi=600, compression = "lzw")
plot_grid(gsea_plot_EC,gsea_plot_PP,align = "v", ncol = 1,labels = "AUTO",rel_heights = c(1.5,1))
if (save_figure_to_ppt) export::graph2ppt(file="figures.pptx",append=TRUE)
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure S5.tiff",path="figures", dpi = 600, compression = "lzw")

Expand All @@ -701,25 +733,26 @@ Figure \@ref(fig:gsea-overlap-vennplot) shows the Overlap of GSEA pathway in *E.

(ref:gsea-overlap-vennplot-figcap) Overlap of GSEA pathway in *E. coli* and *P. putida*. Pathways were distinguished by their descriptions, and separated to activated and suppressed ones.

```{r gsea-overlap-vennplot, fig.asp=1, fig.cap="(ref:gsea-overlap-vennplot-figcap)"}
```{r gsea-overlap-vennplot, fig.asp=0.5, fig.width= 6, fig.cap="(ref:gsea-overlap-vennplot-figcap)"}
l <- merged_gsea$pathway
names(l) <- paste(merged_gsea$organism, merged_gsea$type,sep = "-")
p1 <- ggVennDiagram(l,label = "count") +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.1,0.1))
gsea_pathway_venn1 <- ggVennDiagram(l,label = "count") +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.1,0.1))+ theme(legend.position = "none")
l2 <- list(eco=c(l[[1]],l[[2]]), ppu=c(l[[3]],l[[4]]))
p2 <- ggVennDiagram(l2, label = "count")
gsea_pathway_venn2 <- ggVennDiagram(l2, label = "count")+ theme(legend.position = "none")
l3 <- list(activated=c(l[[1]],l[[3]]), suppressed=c(l[[2]],l[[4]]))
p3 <- ggVennDiagram(l3, label = "count")
gsea_pathway_venn3 <- ggVennDiagram(l3, label = "count") + theme(legend.position = "none")
plot_grid(plot_grid(p2,p3,ncol = 2,labels = c("A","B")),p1,labels = c("","C"),ncol = 1,rel_heights = c(.5,1))
plot_grid(plot_grid(gsea_pathway_venn2,gsea_pathway_venn3,ncol = 1,labels = c("A","B")),gsea_pathway_venn1,labels = c("","C"),ncol = 2,rel_widths = c(.5,1))
if (save_figure_to_ppt) export::graph2ppt(file="figures.pptx",append=TRUE)
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure 6.tiff",path="figures", compression = "lzw")
if (save_tiff) ggsave("figure S5.tiff",path="figures", dpi = 600, compression = "lzw")

View intersect in Venn diagram interactively (Figure \@ref(fig:overlap-plotly)).

```{r overlap-plotly, warning=FALSE, out.width="100%", fig.cap="Venn plot"}
Expand Down

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