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ABCD-ReproNim Jupyter Hub

This has been based on:

Steps to deploy the hub

Manual steps

  1. Make sure to do all the operations in the same AWS zone that you will use in step 5 in the group_vars/all file.
  2. Create an https certificate using AWS cert manager. For attaching this to load balancers, it's free, and JupyterHub allows proxy offloading to this certificate.
  3. Create the GitHub App id/token. We have it done through a bot github user account (dandibot).
  4. Setup AWS CI instance with authorized roles. (see the blog post for details)
    • AmazonEC2FullAccess
    • AmazonSQSFullAccess
    • IAMFullAccess
    • AmazonS3FullAccess
    • AmazonVPCFullAccess
    • AmazonElasticFileSystemFullAccess
    • AmazonRoute53FullAccess
    • AmazonEventBridgeFullAccess and then add the public dns name to the hosts file also install git in the CI instance.
  5. Install ansible locally and create a password for ansible to encrypt some of the ansible variables. openssl rand -hex 32 > ansible_password This is used to encrypt some of the values such as github tokens, AWS certificate ID using the following form. ansible-vault encrypt_string "string_to_encrypt"
  6. Update the variables and some yaml files. Specifically this involves: group_vars/all, config.yaml.j2) Also note that the namespace has to be unique across any JH instances created with this setup.
  7. create policy
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
  1. update z2jh.yaml to reflect new policy arn.

Deployment steps

  1. ansible-playbook -i hosts z2jh.yml -v --vault-password-file ansible_password

To use this repo for reprohub deployment:

cd z2jh-aws-ansible
cp -r ../dandi-info/. .
ansible-playbook -i hosts z2jh.yml -v --vault-password-file ansible_password

To teardown

ansible-playbook -i hosts teardown.yml -v --vault-password-file ansible_password -t all-fixtures

To remove kubernetes without removing shared EFS:

ansible-playbook -i hosts teardown.yml -v --vault-password-file ansible_password -t kubernetes

Files under dandi-info

  • group_vars/all: ansible file contains variables for various templates
  • cluster-autoscaler-multi-asg.yaml.j2: k8s cluster autoscaler spec
  • config.yaml.j2: z2jh jupyterhub configuration
  • hosts: ansible provides IP of control host
  • nodes[1-3].yaml.j2: k8s node specs for on demand nodes in multiple zones
  • pod.yaml.j2: k8s pod for introspecting shared storage
  • pv_efs.yaml.j2: k8s persistent volume spec for EFS
  • pvc_efs.yaml.j2: k8s persistent volume claim for EFS
  • spot-ig.yaml.j2: k8s non-GPU spec for compute nodes
  • spot-ig-gpu.yaml.j2: k8s GPU spec for compute nodes
  • storageclass.yaml.j2: k8s EFS storageclass
  • teardown.yml: ansible file for tearing down the cluster
  • z2jh.yml: ansible file for starting up the cluster


Infrastructure and code for the dandihub







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  • Jinja 83.8%
  • Dockerfile 16.2%